I'm surprised and charmed at the restraint the media has shown in this rapture business. The sources i've read have found the fun in it without ridiculing the faithful outright.
I can just barely remember a time when i was little and my parents - or maybe just mom went to a religious weekend retreat. Pretty sure it was Walk to Emmaus, whatever that entails. Aunt Pat scooped up Julie & i and drove us a small eternity to "surprise her". Seems Aunt Pat had done it the year before and the plan involved driving us all the way to wherever mom was and planting us along a dimly lit path with scores of other loved ones. After this spiritually intensive weekend, the pilgrims were led in silence through the half light of this path, not expecting to see their families there supporting them. We stood in silence, and were then bundled back in the car without touching or speaking to her. Kinda trippy i bet to be the pilgrim.
Popped back into my mind probably because tomorrow i will scoop up Aunt Pat for the drive up to the
National Cathedral to surprise mom at her chorus recital. Funny when life draws those little parallels.