And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got."

Sep 03, 2009 13:09

a POST! ooooo

A long-overdue post, as usual... I've been meaning to post some kind of update for a while now and things have been so busy I haven't had any time! @_@ As it is, I'm posting this from the airport, in an hour I'm boarding a plane to Phoenix for the North American Discworld Convention. [site] I was kind of iffy about this con for a while, as they didn't seem to be as on top of things as I'm used to from cons, but now that they have the programming schedule up I'm super excited. And Sir Terry Pratchett will be there! So if nothing else, that will make for a good time. :D

I'm taking the random roommate plunge for the first time, which is risky, but it's a five night hotel stay and I can't afford that kind of expense on my own. Plus, I don't know anyone else going, so it'll be nice to have a few roomies I can hang around the con with. I found three women traveling alone to the con like I am, so I'm hoping for the best. And I get to meet up with amazonqueenkate for the first time, and see alexielnet again (it's been a DECADE... I feel old), so it's bound to be a weekend of awesome! \o/

I started my new job this past Tuesday, and I'm already on vacation. >.> I'm so spoiled... I had a week off before that, and I wanted to catch up on things then, but my mom came for a visit and we ended up running around town the entire time going to the State Fair and stuff. I haven't been this busy since spring. Things should hopefully calm down for a while after the con, though. The new job is off to a good start, I have a lot to learn but my new coworkers are very friendly and happy to help. Mostly because they're looking forward to having someone else to cover the pager in the evenings, haha. In the meantime, it's been great not having to deal with the repetitive tickets of my old job anymore. xP

That's about all I've got for now. I haven't been able to keep up on my flist; I hope everyone is doing well. I'll be back with a con report, of course. :D


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