I've got to get a move on with my life.

Jan 27, 2009 05:02

I was so busy working on my sister's costume all weekend that I didn't get around to some things I really need to do before Ohayocon. I'm down to one night shift and a few waking hours before we go...

Before Con:

  • Figure out travel plans for Amanda's wedding
  • Submit fanfic event requests to revolutionaryjo
  • Continue working on first round of acceptance requests for the UFO Awards
  • Compose Dear John letter to current landlords
  • Create a packing checklist for self and sister's costume
  • Write up a travel plan for the drive
  • Finish sister's costume (dress hem, bag)
  • Patch gloves for my costume and attempt to clean dye from dress
  • Pack

  • Reply to overdue PMs
  • Close nominations for the UFO Awards
  • Potentially exchange some clothes at Fashion Bug
  • Check out Things Remembered for possible Iron Pen prize
  • Set up new router
  • Cleaning, sorting, and packing around the house
  • Email potential fanfic judges for Detour (Damn. I bet I don't have those email addresses anymore without my computer.)
  • Continue beta of custardpringle's nano
  • Upgrade SMF software on .moon
  • Research more potential new homes
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