This entry is officially dedicated to the time-honored tradition of taking out all your troubles on a poor, innocent piece of paper. This is the entry where I will complain bitterly about everything within arm's reach. No punches will be pulled. None of the names have been changed, since nobody around here is innocent anyway. It will be alternately cutting, incisive, insightful - and rambling, off-topic, irrelevant, and of no interest. Switches will be unannounced.
It's cut, so those of you who still exist in a banal high-school mentality
That's my first gripe. Grow the hell up, people. Quit wasting your time in your own little emotional pity-parties that you put forth as lives; do something that reaches further than yourself and the people you keep around as friends to make yourselves feel better. Fuck drama. If you're tired of taking shit from someone, -stop-. I'm sorry that I have to extend and abuse a cultural cliche, but: you are not the people you know, talk to, or fuck on occasion. you are not your significant other. You are NOT your fucking teenage angst, spoon-fed to you by mass media in an attempt to get you to buy. more. shit. Quit listening to your iPod tell you how miserable and worthless your life is. Grow up. Get a clue. Get rid of your emotional dependence. It's one thing to wear your heart on your sleeve, but dear god, some of you have EMOTIONAL LEECHES. Fix it before I puke. Some of you have already done this, or have started. Congratulations. The rest of you -- what the hell is your problem? There are too many people in this group; I won't even start. I am ANGRY about this.
Second. The WSR-88D weather radar in Red Bay, KEVX, is down. Which means I have no local weather radar. This pisses me off. KEVX has been down more than up, and I think I just missed the biggest set of thunderstorms left until April because of it. I am ANNOYED about this.
Third: Britain and Europe and the entire Left Wing can burn in the Special Hell, reserved for child molesters and people who talk in the theater. Especially the gun control nuts. They get their own little room, with pictures and tape recordings of the women who got raped and murdered because their city outlawed handguns, and they couldn't defend themselves. San Francisco, Chicago, New York City -- I'm looking at you guys. I hope you're all very happy with yourselves. I am FURIOUS about this.
Fourth: If you're a manager, you should show up to work. If you're not gonna show up to work, please have the decency to at least call. If you're not gonna call, at least FAX A SCHEDULE before you pass out drunk on your own couch. If you're NOT GONNA DO THAT, THEN CALL US BEFORE YOU GET DRUNK AND TELL US. That way I don't have to worry about the DISTRICT AND REGIONAL MANAGERS showing up AND LOOK!!! NO MANAGER!!! WOOHOO!! I am ANNOYED about this.
Fifth: If you're the State of Florida, you need to hire my fiancee for an UNBELIEVEABLE amount of money (or at least $30k) in Ft. Walton Beach, or Crestview, or at least Okaloosa or Walton or Santa Rosa counties. I really don't like the idea of her being in Tallahassee, at least not while I'm three and a half hours to the west. Really. reallyreallyreally don't like; I won't be around her, she won't be able to come into town as often; it'll stress us both, for at -least six months. I will not be a happy person. I am FRUSTRATED, HELPLESS, ANNOYED about this.
Sixth: Never post anything you don't want the entire world to see. I broke that rule, so I'm dropping this journal, and picking up a new one. Anyone who needs it will get it. Anyone who doesn't won't. You'll know who you are in 24 hours. Don't ask.