Aug 05, 2004 16:10


Kira is happy--people like her site. I mean, come on, it's a great site. Mochachino is wonderful
http://wakeup.to/mochachino http://wakeup.to/mochachino http://wakeup.to/mochachino
http://wakeup.to/mochachino http://wakeup.to/mochachino http://wakeup.to/mochachino
http://wakeup.to/mochachino http://wakeup.to/mochachino http://wakeup.to/mochachino

I had a weird dream last night,I was telling Jon and Bill about it.

I was at erics house for some reason and I was sitting on the edge of his bathtub talking to his sister. eric was standing in the doorway and he said he had to go downstairs to talk to his parents for a second. I guess they didn't know I was there. So I was talking to Molly and I noticed there were tacks on the floor so I started picking them up so no one would step on them and molly helped me. then eric came back up and was telling me that his parents were all like "who's in your room with you" and all these other questions. then he said like they were freaking out because if he has a girl in his room, he MUST be having sex. so he sat on the floor next to me, and I was still cleaning, he was still on the sex thing, and he said something then tried to kiss me, but he got a face full of hand because I pushed him away. so we're just sitting there, so we're just sitting there so I'm being all dramatic about it, and we were laughing… his dad comes in the room pretending he's vacuuming. I guess he wanted to see what was going on. I told him to be careful; I'm still cleaning up the tacks. He laughed and asked me since when do I clean his sons room.
xbillxdt: LMFAO
pandaphobia: and oddly enough, the dream keeps going
pandaphobia: like then
pandaphobia: we decided to go to a party
pandaphobia: and we got to the place the party was, it looked like a school, and I had to go to the bathroom
xbillxdt: aha
pandaphobia: and when I was done, eric wasn't there
xbillxdt: =0
pandaphobia: and there was a kid standing across the hall
pandaphobia: and I asked him where eric was
pandaphobia: and he said he went to the bathroom too and he'd be right back
pandaphobia: so I asked the kid if he'd wait with me and he agreed he would
xbillxdt: it didnt end there did it?
pandaphobia: no
pandaphobia: he turned up
pandaphobia: and we were with each other for a few minuets
pandaphobia: then the party ended or something
pandaphobia: we both left
xbillxdt: hahah
pandaphobia: but somehow I ended up being brought to a house with a few of his friends
pandaphobia: and eric wasn't there
pandaphobia: so I was talking to this girl
pandaphobia: who i decided was an exgirlfriend
pandaphobia: because she didn't have very nice things to say about him
pandaphobia: and she brought me to erics house
pandaphobia: he wasn't there so we waited outside for him
pandaphobia: and he eventually showed up
pandaphobia: and she yelled at him for leaving me
pandaphobia: and I just stood there glad he was back
pandaphobia: then it ended

the end.
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