I was bored D:

Jul 12, 2004 02:02

[Name] Kelly
[Nicknames] call me whatever…
[Screen name] pandaphobia
[Birthday] 8/24/88
[Age] 15
[Astrological sign?] Virgo
[Chinese zodiac sign?] The Dragon
[Location] Acworth
[Sexual Preference] Male, please
[Marital Status] umm
[Religion] Catholic
[Eye Color] Blue, green, or gray
[Height] 5’6”
[Shoe size] 6-8
[Parents still together?] 24 years in counting
[Siblings?] A sister, Shannon, and a brother, Matthew.
[Nieces/Nephews? ] Never.
[Kids of your own? ] Not today… D:
[Pets?] Cat: Peaches and Oreo except Oreo is dead.
Dog: Patches, she’s satan.
Bird: Bird, she’s evil and hates me.
[In school/graduated? ] In
[Rent, lease, or own your home?] I just kind of *live* here
[Have any credit cards?] No thank you.
[What do you drive?] My bicycle.

[ Color ] Red
[ Number ] 3
[ Animal ] Panda
[ Vehicle ] Do Vespas count?
[ Flower ] Cheery Blossoms
[ Scent ] umm
[ Shape ] Nonagon
[ Drinks ] Pink Lemonade
[ Soda ] Cream Soda
[ Book ] Manga, please.
[ Bands ] Plastic Tree, La’cryma Christi, Dir en Grey
[ Songs ] Dir en Grey - Cage

=Do you...=
[ Color your hair? ] NO!
[ Twirl your hair? ] All too often…
[ Have tattoos? ] No…
[ Piercings? ] Yes.
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] Nope.
[ Drink/Smoke? ] eww, no
[ Like roller coasters? ] Yeah…
[ Wish you could live somewhere else? ] Fuck yes. :(
[ Want more piercings? ] Yes
[ Like cleaning? ] NO.
[Write in cursive or print? ] A mixture of both
[ Carry a donor card? ] Actually… no.
[ Swear a lot? ] Yes.
[ Own a web cam? ] Yes.
[ Know how to drive? ] Yes, but the car scares me.
[ Diet? ] YES D:
[ Own a cell phone? ] eww no
[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] Sometimes.
[ Habla Espanol? ] Oui.

=Have you ever...=
[ Gotten a speeding ticket? ] No.
[ DUI? ] I don’t DRINK
[ Been in a wreck? ] Get this… SEVEN
[ Been arrested? ] :D
[ Been in a fist fight? ] Oh god yes.
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] mhmm
[ Stolen anything? ] No o_O
[ Held a gun? ] Nope
[ Drank? ] EWW no.
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ] WTF
[ Considered a life of crime? ] I have.
[ Considered being a rent boy? ] Rent… boy?
[ Cheated on someone? ] No D:
[ Been married? ] No.
[ Cried over a girl? ] Probably
[ Cried over a boy? ] ditto
[ Lied to someone? ] AH-HAHAHAHHAAHA
[ Been in love? ] YES.
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] umm, no.
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] I’ve never made out with ANYONE.
[ Been rejected? ] HAHAHA.
[ Used someone? ] Define someone
[ Been cheated on? ] I hope not
[ Been kissed? ] No
[ Experimented with homosexuality?] Sorry Debbi, no.

[Current mood] Ichy and mad
[Current music] Power of Kung Food Remix
[Current taste] acidy
[Current hair] up
[Current annoyance] the world
[Current smell] stuffyness
[Current thing I ought to be doing] anything with Eric
[Current windows open] Winamp, Aim and Live journal.
[Current desktop picture] USSR
[Current book] what now?
[Current cd in stereo] I haven’t the slightest
[Current crush] ERIC
[Current favorite celeb] I don’t want to choose FAVORITES ;__;
[Current hate] Amir aka Exoma
[Current job] Baby sitting

=The last time=
[Last book you read] I’m illerate.
[Last movie you saw] Spirited Away, twice in a day.
[Last thing you had to drink] Kool Aid.
[Last thing you ate] Pickle
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Haley and her boyfriend

=do you=
[Do drugs?] No
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] YES; it’s about me and eric <3
[Play an instrument?] PIANO akjdhb hfjwhbd
[Believe there is life on other planets?] umm, yeah.
[Remember your first love?] First and only.
[Still love him/her?] I do.
[Read the newspaper?] yes
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Yep.
[Believe in miracles?] umm?
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] Anything’s possible
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] mhmm
[Consider love a mistake?] Eric isn’t a mistake.
[Have a favorite candy?] Candy is BAD
[Believe in astrology?] Sometimes.
[Believe in magic?] HAHAHA
[Believe in God?] I forget.
[Do well in school?] yes
[Go to or plan to go to college] Totally
[Wear hats?] It depends
[Hate yourself?] All the time.
[Have an obsession?] Anything I love?
[Have a secret crush?] no
[Do they know yet?] Does who know what?
[Collect anything?] pictures of you naked
[Have a best friend?] I have many
[Close friends?] YEEEES
[Like your handwriting?] Only sometimes
[Care about looks?] HAHAHA… I do it for me.

=Love life=
[First true love] Eric
[First kiss] I’m a virgin there
[Single or attached?] ;D
[Ever been in love?] Yes
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] I guess so
[Do you believe in "the one?"] “The One” like the “Power of One”? Wasn’t that a pokemon movie?
[Describe your ideal significant other] ERIC!?
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