Dec 10, 2005 12:22
[x] ride regularly
[x] own a horse or pony
[ ] lease a horse or pony
[x] have been riding for over 2 years
[x] have competed in a show
[x] sometimes ride hunters/jumpers
[x] sometimes ride dressage
[x] ride western pleasure
[ ] ride saddle seat
[x] ride gymkhana/work cattle
[x] own more then one horse
My horse(s)
[x] is cute
[ ] is a mare I once had a mare
[x] is a gelding
[ ] is a stallion
[x] likes carrots and apples
[x] has bucked me off
[x] has escaped from its stall
[ ] is under 3 years old twice before, one died and the other we sold
[x] is under 10 years old
[ ] is between 10-20 years old
[ ] is older then 20 years old
[ ] has produced offspring twice, but the mare died
[ ] is or once was a race horse i had a thoroughbred that died
[x] is a pure blood
[x] is a mixed breed
[x] Can jump over 3 feet
[ ] is hard to deworm
[ ] is under weight
[x] is fat
[ ] was free
[x] has a barn/stall
[x] lives in a pasture
[ ] is permanently lame or unsound
[x] whips me in the face with it's tail
[x] has walked inside my tack shed
[x] is bare foot in back
[x] has shoes in front
I have...
[x] fallen off a horse
[x] had a horse step on my foot
[x] been kicked by a horse
[x] ridden with two people on a horse
[x] jumped bareback
[ ] ridden a donkey
[x] been bucked off
[ ] gotten a serious injury from a horse accident
[x] gotten a first place in a show
[x] been bitten by a horse
[x] trained a horse by my self
[x] handled a stallion
[x] galloped on trail
[x] showed out of the state
[ ] showed out of the country
[x] dressed up your horse for Halloween
[x] ridden a horse without even a halter or helmet
[x] ridden a horse in the middle of the night
[x] ridden without a helmet
[x] been paid to ride somebody else's horse
[ ] ridden side saddle
[x] hit a horse with a whip
[ ] fallen off on trail
[ ] leased a green horse
[ ] had a horse poop on you when you were picking its hooves
[x] fallen off at a show
[ ] jumped in a western saddle
[x] given a vaccination
[x] seen a horse die
[x] had my horse die
[x] ridden backwards on a horse
[ ] never taken a riding lesson
[ ] horse posters all over my room
[x] a family member that also rides
[x] ponied a horse
[x] slept overnight at the stables
[x] eaten horse food
[x] caught a lizard at the barn
[x] had my horse be lame before
[ ] fed my horse popcorn
[ ] fed my horse cheese
[ ] not taken my horse out for over a week
[x] a certain color I buy things for my horse in
[ ] ridden a cow
[x] been on a horse when it reared up
[x] ridden a horse over 17 hands
[x] ridden a pony under 13 hands
[x] worked cattle on a horse
[x] barrel raced
[x] been at the stables for over 24 hours at a time
[x] had my horse colic
[x] witnessed surgery on a horse
[x] ridden in a saddle without stirrups
[x] in dressage gotten a score over 63%
[x] ridden with a halter
[x] sold or given away a horse
[x] raced against someone
[x] ridden a paint horse
[x] painted my horse
[ ] been to horsey summer camp
[x] showed in a halter class