(no subject)

Mar 22, 2005 22:01

Why won't anybody answer my question?! How would i get my dog to France?! I really need to know and its been bugging me all day. I know the pet departure is earlier than take off, but are teh pets on the plane, the same plane i mean. or is there som special pet plane? OR is there some secret tunnel underground tunnel ( okay i was just kidding about that part) But seriously i need to know.

Okay about my classes, most of my classes aren't as fun or filled with as many cool people as before, but the day actually seems to so by alot quicker. Which is great casue from now on i can go to track.

I was so pathetic today, i still need help getting from place to place so I am relying on walls and bookshelfs. I just.. i don't even want to talk about it.

I have had a heavy eyelid feeling for quites some time, and i have been sleeping, but it won't go away

I really need tot shave my legs, i thought you might all want to know that.

So i am kinda getting nervous for the family reunion, i really am a valley girl, not only because i was born in pioneer valley either. I dunno i feel like i am gonna stick out so badly.

Ahh i have been sitting here and it feels like someone is slightly rocking my back and i can't focus on anyhting i am reading or writing. Its just a little rocking, kinda like the feeling after you've spun around eighty million times. Ahh it don;t like it am i am definatly getting sick-but not psychically just like, sick as in something is not functioning properly in this body of mine.

Ahh iwas suppose to east pretezls, but i forget, well not really we just don't have any..

ahh the light, it seriously is the devil right now, i want to go to bed i really do, but i have to read.. i really should go do that now
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