(no subject)

Oct 12, 2006 15:51

Yay! Finally another OHblargag???? I mean..blog! I need to update this more often, this is sad..
So what is new in the life of me. Well, everybody knows of my search for love and search this and search that. I've joined online dating services, gotten my ass out more, made more friends, more phone calls...you know, the whole shebang. I finally came to realize that I'm really really really picky...and THAT'S OKAY. I'm 21, I was born yesterday and I have the rest of my life to be picky. So I stopped worrying about it and started living in the ceramics studio making work better than yours.

(Please dont take that too seriously, I love you guys :)

So I've been working hard and kicking ass in ceramics. Jim Connell picks on me alot, maybe it's cuz I'm really good or maybe it's cuz I'm the only one brave enough to actually exercise my artistic license. Who knows. I'm not even getting credit for this class so suck on that Bitches. I do what I wont!

Crime has been happing again this year. This time...more than often..hm...People getting shot at their jobs, girls getting molested by strange men as they sleep, cars getting broken into, McD's and Taco Hells getting robbed,...why dont they ever rob that CASH FOR TITIES store. I'm sick of looking at that ugly neon green sign when I come home everynight.

Twofer got a jerb at the Awful Waffle. It would be cooler if he brought home cool stories to tell about fat customers that eat 4 eggs scrambled on their "Waffle on 6". Gross.

Classes are going OK. I wish they were better. Doing awesome in ceramics and Japanese...and not so good in the other classes. I've got low B's in Biology and Math, and a stupid C in my damn Bio Lab class. It doesnt look like it's gonna get much better cuz we had to turn in a "group lab report" today and only 2 of us did any work (out of 4). I freaking hate group projects. What is this, elementry school?

I have been eating sooo bad this week...haha, that's okay cuz Studs has too. Together we will fight against...against FAT!...ness... tee

I've become a little more agressive when it comes to guys pushing me around or being gross and fat. Mm...touching me. That's the big ring-dinger right there. You touch me, I kick your ass. Incidents have occured recently where aquaintances have decided to cross that Line, you know, test my patience, like they do. I punched one guy and literally kicked his scrawny ass out my front door (sorry about that Studs and Twofer for the confusion) for his inappropriate behavior under my own roof. My second, scratch that (Studs, how do i scratch a wordy-durd?), THIRD stalker, decided in class today that he wanted to pat my head, cheek, chest (that's always a popular place when I wear this bra for some reason), and I slapped his hand twice as he continued to try to "touch" me (out of grossness). I raised my voice once; he continued, when i finally raised my voice so the whole class could listen and understand that I did NOT want anybody to touch me, especially Him.

"Do NOT TOUCH ME Christopher Hall."

Yeah that turned a few heads. Some of my classmates know well enough that he's a total creep w/ a dangerous aura. He gives me the most shocked and pitiful, the look a dog gives you a/f he's shit all over the floor and you're getting ready to beat his ass. He apologized saying he "didn't know". Well then what DO you know Chris? You dont go around touching girls who avoid you on a daily basis. It's rude.

Another creepy classmate of mine thought it was funny and decided he wanted to have a poking contest at me, see how far he could push it. I hate people like you.

Soooooooo, on a lighter note, I have been going on some actual dates recently. The online thing has been kind of a drag, but one guy did find me on there who happened to be particularly interesting....

His name is Brian, and we're going on our third date next Monday (yay day off for me!). He's pretty cute, and not like any guy I've actually dated before...then again...I've only dated like...2 or 3 guys in my lifetime.

He's not fat or really that dorky. He's very intelligent and very athletic, but not in a gross way.
We have our positive attitudes in common but I don't know what much else. We're still getting to know each other better. He makes me laugh tho and that's very important to me.
He has a Real Job. Let me put the emphasis on REAL job. He owns a buisiness in smart brain stuff, and is finishing up his bachleors (did I spell that right?) degree at UNCC. He has an actual life outside of his job and school and he enjoys spending time w/ me. He's 27 (hott), taller than me by plenty (hott), drives a decent car (what is it w/ these boys and they're "ugly-ass Nissans"? ) , and plays a million and 1 different sports, including fencing. I've never met such a gentleman (he actually opens doors for you!)
Did I mention he's Catholic too?
What more could a girl want?
Mom talked to me yesterday and she started crying on the phone cuz she thinks "he's the one" . I rolled my eyes and barfed. She experienced love at first sight. Wouldn't I be in love by now? Hell, I dont even know what love is, I've never been in love before.
Sooo..I'm not getting my hopes too high. I'm still expecting this guy to like..drop off the face of the earth like stupid Hardtop did to me 2 weeks ago with no explaination. I have alof of trouble putting faith into people I like cuz it seems that they always let you down and you all know how I feel about getting dissapointed. Avoid getting hurt by not getting your hopes too high, that's what I've learned in life.
So I'm pretty hesitant w/ Brian. I dont know how it will work out. Part of me wants something to happen b/c companionship is wonderful if you are lucky enough to get it (that and I havent had a great b/f ever). I'm not too terribly lucky in that department. But...I plan on leaving the country in a year...and the last thing I want is to be abroad w/ a boyfriend. That's probably the worst thing you could ever do while you were abroad. Set limitations on yourself.
We will see. I will see. We will all, see. I've asked around of what I should do and they all said to hold on a little bit longer. I haven't found anything wrong w/ him yet. He's just soo....different. Very different. But hey, opposites attract, right?
Studs is concerned(?) that maybe I have "too much personality" for him. She may be correct. I have been thinking about this alot lately.
However, dates are a very nice change of pace. It's a good feeling knowing somebody enjoys your company.

I just devoured the most delicious popcorn ball and now I think it's time for a nap.

And Now for Something Completely Different:

icon credits to : kiwiseeds
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