::WHAT IF:: 1. I died: JEORB!!! No more superkeen and cool chibis.? Hang on. *drink*
2. I kissed you: I'd charge $10 to all the boys.
3. I lived next door to you: Then you'd be, like, twice as far away as you live NOW!!
4. You found out i was married: But I thought you were gaaaaaaaaayyy
5. I stole something: *snicker giggle snerf* You so GANGSTA, girl. You so HAAAADCORE.
6. I was hospitalized: I'd read "Madeline" to you.
7. I refused to leave your home: Welll... I'd get used to it.
8. I got into a fight while you were there: OMG! THat would be so much FUN!! I'd totally like, whip out Alex and jump into *the fray* and start whooping some SERIOUS ass, rippin face and be like "BITE THE CURB, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" and have my boots up some ass and then you'd be like "KILL EM V!!" and there'd be BLOOOOOOOOD and people like SCREAMIN like i'm a KATAMARI
::WOULD YOU:: 9. Help me hide a body? You guys need to stop talking about the FIREST.
10. Keep a secret if I told you one? HEEEEE yes.
11. massage my back? Uh huh. No-ha, shut up.
12. Take a bullet for me? I'd take it right out of the box and put it in my FO'TY and SHOOT SOME MOTHERFUCKERS in the FACE for you.
13. Try to solve my problems? Well, that's my job as the *hired help*.
14. Have sex with me ? O_____O I'd have to charge more than a $10 cover for that one.
15. Love me? <3 *eeep*
16. Date me? I suppose, if ALL ELSE failed.
::HAVE YOU EVER:: 17. Lied to make me feel better? Abby, you don't look BLOATED at ALL. *laughs at yo-ghurt commercial*
18. Wanted to kiss me? This is a weird question. *beer*
19. Wanted to have sex with me ? I sincerely think not.
20. Wanted to kill me? I wanna kill your FACE~!!!!! How many times can I say FACE and it's still funny?
21. Broke my heart? I broke No-ha's little heart cuz that's my jeooorb.
22. Kept something important from me? Yeah, the quality condoms.
23. Thought I was unbearably annoying? Dude, there's this GIRL that lives with me, and she's so "UNBEARABLY ANNOYING", cuz she's always like, "Woobly weebly wee, I can draw chibis better than HINNY one, and also, these are my TURTLES! And I have a FACE!" and i'm like *poooo*
:: AND MORE:: 24. Describe me in three words: DOOOOooooo YOURRRRRR NNNYUTS hang low do they WOBBLEtoandFRO can you tie them in a knot can you TIE THEM IN A BOW can you throwem over your shoulderlikea CONTINENTIAL SOLDIER do your NYUTS! HANG! LOW!!
25. What was your first impression? Probably the impression of, "Ouch, my collarbone hurts and I'm hungry". I mean, that's what happened. I was like, too big for her pelvis and she just broke it right in the broke spot, and she said "well it's no big deal because infants don't move, so it's all right, and it heals really quickly" and I'm like "YOU'rE TRYIN TO KILL ME" and then she made this FACE but that wasn't my first impression, my first impression was like I said "I'm hungry and mad that i'm incarnate again" most likely. You didn't say first MEMORY, you said first "impression".
26. Do you still think that way about me now? I think SOME way, for real. FOR YOU.
27. What reminds you of me? Pooh-bear wearing costumes.
28. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you?? Si, con queso!
1. I died: JEORB!!! No more superkeen and cool chibis.? Hang on. *drink*
2. I kissed you: I'd charge $10 to all the boys.
3. I lived next door to you: Then you'd be, like, twice as far away as you live NOW!!
4. You found out i was married: But I thought you were gaaaaaaaaayyy
5. I stole something: *snicker giggle snerf* You so GANGSTA, girl. You so HAAAADCORE.
6. I was hospitalized: I'd read "Madeline" to you.
7. I refused to leave your home: Welll... I'd get used to it.
8. I got into a fight while you were there: OMG! THat would be so much FUN!! I'd totally like, whip out Alex and jump into *the fray* and start whooping some SERIOUS ass, rippin face and be like "BITE THE CURB, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" and have my boots up some ass and then you'd be like "KILL EM V!!" and there'd be BLOOOOOOOOD and people like SCREAMIN like i'm a KATAMARI
9. Help me hide a body? You guys need to stop talking about the FIREST.
10. Keep a secret if I told you one? HEEEEE yes.
11. massage my back? Uh huh. No-ha, shut up.
12. Take a bullet for me? I'd take it right out of the box and put it in my FO'TY and SHOOT SOME MOTHERFUCKERS in the FACE for you.
13. Try to solve my problems? Well, that's my job as the *hired help*.
14. Have sex with me ? O_____O I'd have to charge more than a $10 cover for that one.
15. Love me? <3 *eeep*
16. Date me? I suppose, if ALL ELSE failed.
17. Lied to make me feel better? Abby, you don't look BLOATED at ALL. *laughs at yo-ghurt commercial*
18. Wanted to kiss me? This is a weird question. *beer*
19. Wanted to have sex with me ? I sincerely think not.
20. Wanted to kill me? I wanna kill your FACE~!!!!! How many times can I say FACE and it's still funny?
21. Broke my heart? I broke No-ha's little heart cuz that's my jeooorb.
22. Kept something important from me? Yeah, the quality condoms.
23. Thought I was unbearably annoying? Dude, there's this GIRL that lives with me, and she's so "UNBEARABLY ANNOYING", cuz she's always like, "Woobly weebly wee, I can draw chibis better than HINNY one, and also, these are my TURTLES! And I have a FACE!" and i'm like *poooo*
24. Describe me in three words: DOOOOooooo YOURRRRRR NNNYUTS hang low do they WOBBLEtoandFRO can you tie them in a knot can you TIE THEM IN A BOW can you throwem over your shoulderlikea CONTINENTIAL SOLDIER do your NYUTS! HANG! LOW!!
25. What was your first impression? Probably the impression of, "Ouch, my collarbone hurts and I'm hungry". I mean, that's what happened. I was like, too big for her pelvis and she just broke it right in the broke spot, and she said "well it's no big deal because infants don't move, so it's all right, and it heals really quickly" and I'm like "YOU'rE TRYIN TO KILL ME" and then she made this FACE but that wasn't my first impression, my first impression was like I said "I'm hungry and mad that i'm incarnate again" most likely. You didn't say first MEMORY, you said first "impression".
26. Do you still think that way about me now? I think SOME way, for real. FOR YOU.
27. What reminds you of me? Pooh-bear wearing costumes.
28. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you?? Si, con queso!
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