I just got word that my dog is now a model. Pictures to come after the shoot is over.
Every time exam week comes I feel like my life gets put on hold. It's such a wonderful felling...not. And seriously earth/New England, WHY is it completely dark at 4pm?? I do not accept this. I can't figure out when to eat dinner because it always feels like 8pm outside after class.
I'm thinking about knocking out some walls in my closet/kitchen because I keep running out of room for my boots and clothes. I pray my next apartment has a walk in closet because this just isn't cutting it. My kitchen/closet (i have to reverse it to whichever part I'm talking about since it's both) smells so ick right now because the garbage only comes twice a week. I usually make the Monday pickup but Thursday at 6am? I'd rather sleep, thx.
College hasn't been too bad. I passed all my exams and have almost too much knowledge on touring. It hurts my head seeing the amount of money an artist can make from one concert. I failed to mention how much I love my progressive rock class. There are 19 guys and me. I love watching the reaction of people walking past our class room while the stereo is blasting "god only knows" or "bohemian rhapsody". I suck at the analyzing aspect of the class but no one can be perfect.
So all the people I pass on the street in Boston are crazy. I am always in my own little world walking around and going to class but I always get thrown off when random things happen. All the guys hanging the christmas lights on the trees that line Newbury St. kept saying hi to me and asking how I was. I get major lols from the homeless people. They always say I have nice hair or legs (which at this point, I don't know if it's a compliment since they don't have high standards because my hair hasn't been cut in 3 months and my legs are just whatever). I'll take it and run. Someone cares about me I guess.
May is going to be exhausting. Bamboozle, graduation, moving, blah. Trying not to look too far ahead but there's still a lot to be done. Enjoying my life today and that's all that matters right now.
I'm not sure what I was getting at with this picture but you can totally tell how dead my hair is
This was my first meal being 21 years old. Kris's flight came in at 2am on my birthday. He brought me a Megajuana burrito, 2 bags of chips, guac, and salsa from Tijuana Flats. I think he's a keeper
And we did eat it all incase you weren't aware of what we're capable of
My birthday morning where I decided to eat leftover chips for breakfast
Kris got an eggplant sub for lunch in the North End. I watched him eat because I realized how small my stomach really is.
Birthday in the form of cupcake
I'm almost positive we ate the cupcake before dinner. Always a bad idea.
Someone rich and awesome parks their Ferrari outside my window. I like the cones he puts around it.
Apple cider time!!
Sunsets on Newbury St.
Happy End of Exam week treats!
Halloween Damage
I trick or treated myself
I have really big eyes sometimes!
This is what it takes to get my dog to sleep sometimes. I learned that my million dollar college music education is not doing me any good in the vocal area. Roo does not like my singing. She's kinda precious sometimes from miles away.
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