If I didn't sleep so much then I may not notice how fast time is passing by. Somehow I managed to keep my apartment clean in the past few weeks. I'm pretty sure I have a mild case of ocd. Organized space=organized mind.
Kris and I went down to Jersey this past weekend to visit my Nauni since I haven't seen him in a few years. We spend 2 days at grandmas house again. I think that place has become a second home for the two of us. Every morning when we wake up there's bowls on the table and 3 cereal boxes, a bowl of fruit, buttered toast, hard boiled eggs, cookies, and muffins. We eat like royalty.
It was a great weekend. I got to see my family that I haven't seen in years and my parents who I haven't seen in a month. They inspire me to move forward and do my own thing. Everyone in their lives has stayed in Jersey (I don't even know how that's possible). Anyway, when we left I gave my Nauni a big hug and he whispered in my ear "Make me proud Kristina." I teared up because all these years he's been telling me to make him proud and be something great. I'm trying...really hard. (and he calls me Kristina because he feels like it)
Since we were in Jersey for Kris's birthday I treated him to a day in NYC on Sunday. We just had a relaxing day in the city shopping (slash not) and snacking. We went to Tiffany's on 5th Ave because every other time we've gone it's been closed. I tried on some things that make my fingers look pretty, if you know what I mean ;)
We went and got 3 cupcakes from Buttercup Bake Shop and I took one to go from Magnolia Bakery. Much better than birthday cake! When we got back to Boston we went and got pizza at Pizzeria Regina. NEVER a let down at that place. Surprisingly we only got 2 italian cookies on the way home because neither of us had cash.
That night we walked to Fenway see the excitement of the Sox vs. the Rays. It was semi interesting but not as interesting as the ice cream we got in Cambridge. SO good!
I miss being hugged and loved by my Kris.
Lucky Star stopped so everyone could get fat
I will never understand why one person needs that much cheese
So much cheese. My nauni forced everyone to try all the cheese. It's an Italian and/or old person thing I guess.
What a cutie. My dad took a picture of me kissing his head. I kinda need it.
My parents got Kris and I birthday cake. The two of us make everything easy.
We drove through Little Silver, NJ. My parents and I lived there for 5 years or so. It's seriously the cutest freaking town on the planet. I would move back here if I could. Bruce Springsteen's house was a few blocks away from where we lived!!!
Anyway, we stopped by my dads bffs house and said hi to him and his two dachshunds.
Entourage!! I kinda want a life size cut out of Ari for my apartment.
We also got a discount on our pinkberry. Apparently they give 15% off for students! And for some reason I look like I'm hiding a hula hoop under my shirt. Swear I'm not.
Ate a crap ton of hummus in Bryant park. Grandma packed us snacks
Assume I was dancing
I'm thinking about just eating cupcakes for every meal. They're up there with mexican food in my life. I may just start a diet of tacos and cupcakes.
I pulled out Kris's GPS on the bus ride home to figure out what time we would be getting home. I heard the people sitting behind us say "Oh good we're getting in at 10"
I brought my cupcake from Magnolia home with us because I was already full of sweets by the time we reached their bakeshop. It melted somehow :(
It was still an amazing cupcake. Their frosting was similar to buttercups but their cake was way more fluffy.
Buttercup Icing + Magnolia Cake= THE PERFECT CUPCAKE!
You always know what's coming when you see 2 men standing in suits handing out flyers at a Red Sox game.
Nice mouf
I wish I wasnt freezing cold and that I didnt shake the camera. odsfihsliduhfliusfhds suck it
ichat link fail? I believe so
This also took up a good chunk of my time. What a stupid device.
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