My friend needs your help~!!

Jul 25, 2013 13:31

A friend of mine was falsely brought up on charges by Anne Arundel County animal control. They made him turnover his rescues and then he willingly turned over pets (they told him it was in his best interests). He did so. They charged him for frozen snake food saying they were pets. They killed his snake by "accident" and now that he's had a trial and was found not guilty they won't give him his pets back even though they said they would. They're charging him room and board for each of his babies coming out to a grand total of $6,000! He had friends who are vets offer to take the pets off Animal Conrtols hands but they refused and now this bogus charging to get them back!

He just wants his babies back. Every dollar helps and if you could spread the word that would be awesome.
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