Feb 06, 2007 04:55
I am still wasting my life. Actually just wasted could perhaps sum it all up. You see I actually drink professionally. I technically get paid to drink, therefore all of the wine I but could actually be written off on my taxes. If I really wanted to push the envelope I could write off every meal I eat out as R and D. 10 hours every Sunday I learn about regions, methods, grape types, producers, residual sugar levels, and of course the consequence of the diurnal shift with respect to the rain shadow effect. All of which is just fancy speak for…”Could talk the legs off a dead donkey when it comes to wine.”
Of course the question is: Am I actually going to do anything useful with this? I mean besides living in denial about needing a 12 step program.
“Mr Ord that is your 3rd bottle of wine this week.”
“Your point?”
“Today is Tuesday.”
“You’re right. I am slipping I’ll go back and get another one for this evening. By the way do you have a light red to go with my Rice Krispies?”
All of the things that seem to come naturally to other people my age: Family, house, 401k, children, spending time with family, and vacations in Florida. These all seem to be far away, actually kinda unnatural. I seem to be spending my life stuck at 25. It is not a bad thing for me. But the world around me seems to be growing older, accelerating almost into the inevitable horizon, dropping off the edge into stability, growing old with someone and eventually mourned by progeny. I’m not sure what it is about me that does not seem to get it. I can see it and recognize it now. I am much better at being sensitive to it and actually giving a damn about somebody else’s family. Heck I have enough problem calling my mother more than once every two months. (Not joking.) It is just not for me. I mean I have always gravitated towards the aspects of instability in my life. Recently I have stayed in one place for a long time, I thought I had put down roots.
I had a table tonight who loved me. They chatted with me about their travels, my travels, different places and exotic times.
I have coached the same soccer team for 6 years running. The parents and girls love me.
We got chatting briefly about how difficult it is to settle down
I have a nice apartment with a cat who dutifully ignores me when I walk through the door.
I told them that it wasn’t too bad. Always something new to see in the same place.
I work at a job that is, for all it’s political frustrations, easy and lucrative.
They kept asking me if I missed traveling and seeing new places.
I’m in school studying wine. I really enjoy it.
They wanted to know which country I would like to visit and where I would go next.
I am in a relationship which is fun and exciting.
I lied. I want to stand up and walk away from this. Find a new place, new country, new adventure and challenge myself over again.