Grand Assembly.

Jun 02, 2005 09:15

War strode assertively into the center of the Pantheon and gathered himself for a moment after a message had been sent by himself and Strife to..those below....

“Hera, Mother Goddess..
Aphrodite, Goddess of Love.
Hephaestus, God of the Forge,
Apollo, God of Healing,
Artemis, Lady Hunter,
Demeter, Goddess of Nurturing.
Athene, Bitc- Goddess of War,
Poseidon, Master of the Sea,
Dionysus, Giver of Wine,
Hebe, Mistress of Youth,
Hercules, Defender against Evil, Producer of Forehead Grease..
Eris, Enyo. Discord and War.
Phobos, Deimos, Panic and Fear. ...

Victory, Justice, Harmony, Ruin, Hope, Persuasion, Knowledge, Memory, Fate, Music, Fame..”

The litany of names echoed in the ears of all the Olympians, and the kin that he was sworn to shield.

"Hermes, Fleet of Foot... Iris, Rainbow Messenger... Bear my message, if you will.. Any who call Olympus home, or hold allegiances to it.........Return. The Mountain of Olympus is closed, as it is under threat, and now under lock-down. The minions of the Underworld will be denied, until it has been proven they pose no grand jeopardy. As well... one of you, send contact to the Egyptians, and the Celts. They shall be alerted, and may respond as they desire.”

As Ares spoke, a governing force encompassed Olympus..bound to himself, allowing extremely limited passage, in or out. He would know when Olympians returned, and they would be permitted to pass through, once. Nothing from below would find entrance..

He would linger in the Pantheon, on the stately throne that once held his Father.. He would acknowledge each deity as they heeded his summoning..

ate, aphrodite, nike, dike, krios, anteros, hermes, flidais, eris, dionysos, phobos, mnemosyne, ares, enyo, iris, hebe

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