Jun 04, 2008 12:50

Wow!! Ain't I feeling a little accomplished today?

So you see, I was planning to update Cold Amber or some of my fics today...but I ended up writing this plot bunny for a HitsuRuki story instead. I've always been wanting to write one, but then I was always stunted to start any because I have a LOT of fics to finish. And I never did want unfinished stories.

Anyway, I'll keep this plot bunny here instead. When I said this account will be my backup for my fanfiction, I wasn't joking. I can not afford to have another PC crash. No more heartbreak. Second time's enough.

After I'm feeling guiltless after updating--or finishing--one of my stories will I then go back to thee, my plot bunny.

When one would really come to think of it-like one has to really use their brain cells for once just to think that kind of deep thinking-it was really logically...rational.

Well, that is if one would even come to think of it.

It's not that they're both short-and it's not that they both reacted to that fact violently, either. It's not also because they both have very distinctive ice zanpakutous. If anything else, it really boils down to one thing: their nakama, a term they both used when they're on the good side. (But just for rationality's sake, one wouldn't really want to know what string of terms they'd use when they're on the bad side.)

You see, Ichigo is still angsting over that bone suddenly appearing on his face so he disappeared for a while, and an angsting Ichigo results to an angsting Orihime so she also disappeared to follow him. Chad, though kind and sane enough, is only connected in the affair through Ichigo so discussing Soul Society issues with him is really not that efficient no matter how helpfully willing he might be. And Ishida is a Quincy-no need to elaborate.

It really shouldn’t have mattered that much, because they are after all, ryoka, and this is originally a matter to be dealt by Soul Society alone.

IF ONLY their fellow shinigami weren't worse.

Much, much, much worse.

You see, them being shinigami should’ve made them more focused on the glaringly crucial events at hand. But Ikkaku is obsessed with a new sport that would allow him to kill slowly, Matsumoto and Yumichika are obsessed with shopping and a pile-ful of beauty tips at their fingertips and Renji is obsessed on forcing himself to believe that he's not obsessed with coffee-so that only left the two of them serious enough to plan ahead about the growing threats which/who were the Arrancar.

So when you knew them as Shinigami, and considering the hoodoodums they're unfortunately with (who seem to be busier with something else entirely), and if you knew that the end of the world might be near if these shinigami wouldn't do something fast, it's really not so shocking to find the two of them gone in a boring class one fine afternoon just after lunch break.

Especially when they are planning for the complete salvation of Earth, Soul Society and, in some aspects, Hueco Mundo.

Besides, all of Soul Society knew the taichou's still pining for an unconscious someone. And the other shinigami had a harem of males she is completely oblivious of.

Unfortunately, Asano Keigo isn't a shinigami and neither is he dead (thus, his membership to Soul Society is temporarily waived for now). And more importantly, Asano Keigo never really had that much of a rational mind. Or maybe he never really used that much brain cells to think the required kind of deep thinking to be able to reach such logically rational thinking. It's so confusing that Asano-san never bothered to even attempt to think that way.

Besides, there is so much drama when you just assume and not look underneath the underneath.

So in one fine afternoon, over a class which happened just over lunch break, it was just very, very bad that their absence caught Asano-san's complete not-looking-underneath-the-underneath attention­.

Oh, did we fail to mention that Asano-san had a lot of male blossoming youthness to exhaust?

fanfiction, hitsuruki, hitsugaya, rukia, bleach

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