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Comments 3

mary_j_59 January 7 2011, 19:37:27 UTC
Great review, Deirdre - very enticing! It's interesting that McKinley was actually thinking of The Two Towers when she wrote her ending.


deirdrej January 18 2011, 21:53:08 UTC
Yes, I thought that was interesting, too! When you think of it, it must have been VERY frustrating back in the day when LOTR was first published, to have to wait MONTHS to find out what happened when Sam regained consciousness. I seem to remember it was bad enough when Dad was reading it to us...


crazy_cityhere March 2 2011, 04:37:41 UTC
Кстати, deirdrej, скоро выйдет фильм Форсаж 5, думаю классный фильм получится.


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