We cannot fathom the deeds of which we are capable. I hear that-or at least an insipid and simple facsimile with the same meaning-far too often; it is a pedestrian and stale turn of phrase used to inspire some sort of extraordinary motivation in the masses. You can do anything if you put your mind to it. You can overcome any odds if only your have faith and unwavering persistence.
Blind optimism. Sanguinity in its most undiluted and, potentially, dangerous form.
I had to admit today, however, that it is not always untrue.
[Private to self]
David has improved by leaps and bounds. It is amazing--and heartening--to watch and encourage. He will, I think, be discharged soon, and he promises to keep in touch. With me! The poor bastard is a braver one than I thought.
Gods, it is beyond lovely to get back on a normal sleep schedule again. I've actually managed to pay back my debt to Morpheus in the past few weeks, while simultaneously getting some decent work done. To think, it was
not so long ago that I was certain I was going to turn to dust in the face of another night without rest.
Fresh linen and new pillows in a bed of my own; a shower--no, a bath, where I can sink beneath the clear miniscus and fill my hair with soap and see my knees as a pair of tiny brown islands against an ivory horizon--; hours in my garden at night and in the early morning. The hibiscus is fading in the face of the lengthening night, and I can sit and watch the points of light shining through the punctured black of the air.
Mab, when did I get so sentimental?
[/private to self]
[Private to Harry]
You seem to have abandoned
our dialogue in the journals. While I, as I said, am not going to pester you to any great extent, I just wanted to affirm that you are doing well.
-Dr. Burke