Festivids 2015-16: Rock This Town

Feb 13, 2016 08:30

Hello, Livejournal! Long time, no see! But guess what?...

festivids reveals are up!!!
festivids is the equivalent of yuletide for vidders, lots of obscure and wonderful sources that don't typically get vidded. You all should go check out the comm and see all the amazing vids. I'm the slowest vidder in the world, so I don't sign up to exchange, but I do like to try every year to make a treat for a friend if I can.

Title: Rock This Town
Song/Artist: Stray Cats
Vidder: deirdre_c
Fandom: Pirates of Penzance
Length: 1:54 min
Summary: It is, it is a glorious thing, to be a Pirate King!

Vidder's Notes: This was made as a treat for my silly-80s-and-90s-music loving soulmate boom_queen for festivids. Special thanks to the generous and genius tebtosca for making my lovely banner at a moment's notice!

Watch here:

On youtube:

image Click to view

On vimeo:

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

Rock This Town final signed from Deirdre Cee on Vimeo.

festivids, pirate king, miscellaneous vids

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