Like Christmas and Birthday and Bachelorette Party COMBINED!!

Mar 15, 2015 08:43

Are you people SERIOUS!?!?!? I knew I left a lot of prompts on this round of spn-masquerade, but I had no idea I would get nineteen filled.


And every one of them-- EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.-- is amazing and you should read them all and glory in their magnificence.

When/if these brilliant authors claim them, I'll also try to link to their public posts, so you can give them love in all the right places. *waggles eyebrows* Please, please go give them millions of comments.

And, you guys, there are TONS more awesome stories that got posted at the comm, so read those too. I just have special love for these because they are miiiiiiinnnnnneeeee.


Hair kink -- Fic!
Dean washing Sam's hair. Sam shirtless, his neck bare as he arches back over the sink. The silky strands of his thick hair sliding through Dean's fingers. You get the picture.

Hair kink-- Art!!
and here on LJ
Dean washing Sam's hair. Sam shirtless, his neck bare as he arches back over the sink. The silky strands of his thick hair sliding through Dean's fingers. You get the picture.

What Is and What Shall Always Be
and here on LJ
Sam and Dean are watching tv late after a hunt one night on the motel couch. In the middle of the night one of them wakes up to realize that they've fallen asleep and curled up together. Also, boners.

hooker!Jared, facial
Every weekend, Jensen pays Jared to come all over his face.

Jared/girl!Jensen, fingered by a stranger
and here on LJ
Jensen's in the middle of the massive crowd at a rock concert, everyone packed in tight, when she feels a guy press up behind her. She can't turn to see what he's doing, but he can feel his huge hands roaming over her body, sliding up under her skirt.

Dear Mr Fantasy
and here on LJ
Jensen's in the middle of the massive crowd at a rock concert, everyone packed in tight, when she feels a guy press up behind her. She can't turn to see what he's doing, but he can feel his huge hands roaming over her body, sliding up under her skirt.

Smith/Wesson, shaving
and here on LJ
Smith likes to keep things tidy downstairs. Wesson is au natural. Smith convinces him he should shave bare. Dean gets Sam back to his apartment and talks him into letting Dean do it for him. Lots of emphasis on nervousness and trust and the way Sam's cock and balls feel once he's hairless and smooth.

Jared/Jensen, bottom!Jared, amateur porn, first time, college AU, a bit of crack
Jared's parents cut him off and he needs quick money for college tuition. His fraternity brother, Jensen, introduces him to an underground gay-for-pay porn production company. Jared never imagined his first time would be in front of a camera.

Boys will be Boys
and here on AO3
Jensen wanders into the dorm's communal kitchen during an all-nighter, finds a plate of brownies, and helps himself to the biggest one. Turns out they were hash brownies and now he's wandering around the dorm, high as a kite for the first time in his life.

He makes his way into Jared's room and tumbles into his bed. Jared is shocked, because Jensen's always been seemed so uptight and stand-offish, but who is Jared to look a gift horse in the mouth?

Uncommon Grounds
and here on AO3
J2 work together at a coffee shop. Jensen's alternative and inked, all attitude, black tees and leather cuffs. Jared's sweet and straight-arrow in collared polos.

One day Jared comes to work, and Jensen swears he sees the outline of a nipple ring under the thin fabric of Jared's uniform shirt. He gets a tiny bit obsessed about it.

Free As My Hair
and here on LJ
J2 are a crime fighting team of superheroes. Sidekick!J1 has had a crush on superhero!J2 for a long time, but never revealed a thing. The two of them go up against a new-in-town supervillain whose power turns out to be control over others' bodies. The badguy takes over superhero!J2 and makes him molest (as x-rated/rapey as you want to go) his sidekick. J2 is appallingly aware during the whole thing. J1 has to reassure him it's okay. Eventually they defeat the bad guy. But what happens to their partnership?

Coming of Age
and here on AO3
When they turn 16, every teenager is required to go to the Sexual Health Center and engage in a 12 hour, one-on-one instructional workshop with a trained sex professional. During this, they are introduced to a variety of sexual techniques, practice giving and receiving oral sex, vaginal, and anal sex-- depending on the teen's expressed sexual orientation, then given a certificate to show future partners that they have completed the program.

Jared's instructor is Jensen, of course.

Getting out of Hand
J2 get drunk one night and sit around describing why fans think the other's character is so hot.

Chilled To The Marrow In Them Bones
and here on AO3
Jensen lives alone in the forest, raised by wolves. Jared is his companion. They have no idea what plots lie in store for them.

Sad Song
and here on LJ
Jensen is a night attendant on the hospital ward for comatose patients. In secret, he commits all kinds of sexual acts with their unresponsive bodies. Jared is his new favorite patient and fucktoy. What no one, including Jensen, knows is that Jared is not brain-dead and can perceive everything that is happening to him.

Watch Me
and here on LJ
Every year the porn industry hosts a charity auction where people can buy various adult entertainment stars--at exorbitant prices-- and have them reenact a particular scene from one of their films in a private room.

Jensen is the highest bidder for JT Powers.

Gift from the Queen
Every year the porn industry hosts a charity auction where people can buy various adult entertainment stars--at exorbitant prices-- and have them reenact a particular scene from one of their films in a private room.

Jensen is the highest bidder for JT Powers.

Double Dare
and here on LJ
Freshman Jared somehow gets dragged along to a party at the lake house of popular senior, Jensen Ackles. Someone hands him a beer and then another, and pretty soon he's happily buzzed. That is, until a group pulls him into a game of truth or dare, and Jensen's got a wicked gleam in his eye aimed right at Jared.

Perks of the Job
and here on LJ
For years, Jared has worshipped adult film star, Jensen Ackles, from afar. Jared's just crew: a camera guy and film editor and jack-of-all-trades on set. He never interacts with the talent. But one day, he finds himself recruited for a new job, and it's as Jensen's fluffer.


i love everyone in this bar, fic rec, art rec, happiness, fandom rocks, best flist ever

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