Winter Olympics Porn Sam/Dean & J2 Comment-fic Meme!

Feb 13, 2014 08:29

Is it just me, or does watching these amazing athletes inspire lots of porny thoughts about hard bodies and epic stamina?

Haha. Kidding. I know it's not just me.

Thus, in honor of the ancient and noble Olympic tradition (didn't they used to compete naked? oh, I guess that's just summer), let us engage in our own time-honored fannish custom of prompting and writing a boatload of salacious fic.

The Rules:

1) Comment to this post with any and all prompts about the Winter Olympics. The thrill of victory! The agony of defeat! The sexual tension that comes from being stuck in a Sochi elevator! Even though it's called a porn meme (because, you know), porn is not required. Your fills can be everything from g-rated to NC-17, as long as they include Sam or Dean or Jared or Jensen. Feel free to add in other characters, but please stick to Sam/Dean or J2 as pairings.

2) Fill those prompts with fic or art! Writers and artists, you don't have to follow the prompt to the letter, but try to at least get the prompter to the medal podium. More than one fill to a prompt is welcome.

3) ???




Also, here is a banner by the world record-holder in AWESOME, dreamlittleyo, that you can use to pimp this out (please pimp this out!):">">

Filled prompts:

The two-man luge (J2) ~ by fiercelynormal

The brother-sister figure skating team ART (Dean/girl!Sam) ~ by amber1960

The J2 figure skating WIP (J2) ~ by valiant

The virgin-figure-skater!Jensen hot tub hook-up (J2) ~ by zubeneschamali

The skier rescued by the opposing coach (J2) ~ by ephermeralk

The makeout session during curling (J2) ~ by dugindeep

The alpine skier who gives up his spot for true love (J2) ~ by deirdre_c

The two alpine skiers who have hot sex (J2) ~ by tsuki_no_bara

The two figures skaters who decide to compete as a boy-boy pairs team (J2) ~ by alezig

The hockey player who hurts his hand and the teammate who takes care of him (J2) ~ by obsidianromance

The skier and snowboarder trapped in a bathroom together (J2) ~ by brutti-ma-buoni

The one where Jared's shower breaks and he has to borrow Jensen's (J2) ~ by firesign10

The God of Sport has to convince the God of Weather to make it snow in Sochi (J2) ~ by ashtraythief

The one where Dean has a kink for Sam in a hockey jersey (J2) ~ by strive2bhappy

Pure Fluff (J2) ~ by holly_blackmoor

olympics, say what you meme

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