The Weeklong LJ Posting Challenge

Apr 29, 2013 14:56

Hello Flist! I've challenged myself to post every day this week in an attempt to jumpstart my pitiful posting habits and get back in the rhythm of frequent chatting with you and community-building and fannishness.

wendy says she's going to do it with me, and if there's anyone else who wants to be a daily poster this week, I'll try to support you with comments and such. Now I know many of you are still on the Big Bang sprint to the finish (go!go!), so you may not have time, but everyone else should come on and post like crazy.

I'm also feeling quite chipper because I just betaed a SUPER-FUN vid while eating lunch today and because I saw these pictures of the Js over at the lovely big_heart_june's place:

Also, I'm thinking about hosting a J2 commentfic challenge next week, so keep your eye out for a poll about possible themes.


i'll be here all week, j2, fandom rocks, best flist ever

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