festivids reveals are up!!! \o/
festivids is the equivalent of
yuletide for vidders, lots of obscure and wonderful sources that don't typically get vidded. You all should go check out the comm and see all the amazing vids. Although I didn't throw my hat into exchange ring, I did make a little something for someone.
Title: Da' Scarlet Dipernel
Song/Artist: Da' Dip by Freak Nasty
deirdre_cFandom: The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982)
Pairing: Percy/Marguerite
Length: 1:42 min
Summary: It's all in fun so take a chance, just get on the floor and do that dance, y'all.
Vidder's Notes: I vidded this as a treat for the beauteous
boom_queen in the 2011-12
festivids challenge. I'm pretty confident she guessed it was mine. *g* If you've never seen this movie, run out and find it right now! Anthony Andrews is sheer perfection, Jane Seymour is gorgeous, and Ian McKellan doesn't so much chew the scenery as tear it up, swallow it, and poop it out in gold bricks.
Watch here:
youtube(Note: give it a minute to start loading before you hit play, so you don't get skips in the middle.)
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Get here:
.avi (37.8MB) via sendspace.mp4 (46.6MB) via sendspace Also, there's a permanent download link here (
.avi ) and here (
.mp4) hosted by the valiant and vivacious
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