Quick Fic Rec

Sep 02, 2010 21:45

Primary Care for Floranna (PG, Gen) a spn_summergen story by mollyamory

Author Summary: That was how they got you: turned you into a mushball, made you fetch blankets and Doritos and vodka, made you whine to Bobby Singer about the unfairness of your life.

I should be doing about 8700 things other than reading fic on my computer right now, but you know how that goes. Luckily, one of the random things I had bookmarked was this story, and it practically MADE MY HEAD EXPLODE with joy. It is silly h/c post-apocalypse bantery caseficish Team Free Will to the nth degree. If you aren't madly in love with this story after reading it, you must have a lump of coal where a human heart should be.

fic rec

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