Music Share

Dec 21, 2007 17:07

Here's my latest Sam Anthem. Actually, this has been one of my favorite Sam Anthems pretty much from the Pilot episode, but I've been holding onto it for a long, long time because I was either going to ask someone to vid it or make a vid to it myself. But I've just started vidding angry!Sam to another song, so now I figure I'll put this one up for grabs.

I Feel So ~ Boxcar Racer

I Feel So
I wish I was brave
I wish I was stronger
I wish I could feel no pain
I wish I was young
I wish I was shy
I wish I was honest
I wish I was you not I

I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callused
So lost, confused, again
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over

I wish I was smart
I wish I made cures for
How people are
I wish I had power
I wish I could lead
I wish I could change the world
For you and me

I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callused
So lost, confused, again
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over

Bonus track:

(Dean will probably kill me for this.)

The ever-awesome heidi8 uploaded this song yesterday and it is SUCH an entertaining listen. It's a cover of Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" as if written by the early Beatles! No really, it totally works! I'm kinda addicted. Check it out:

I Wanna Hold Your Stairway to Heaven (Zeppelin cover) ~ Beatnix


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