Summer Olympics Porn Sam/Dean & J2 Comment-fic Meme!

Aug 12, 2016 09:49

According to the ancient and honored traditions of fandom, how better to celebrate the human triumph and incredible dedication of Olympic Competition that to SEX IT UP IN HERE?

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olympics, say what you meme

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FILL: Touché, J2, PG-13 zelda_addict August 21 2016, 05:57:51 UTC
A/N: Because this is actually a sport I can sort of write without feeling like I’m being horrendously inaccurate. Also, obvious title is obvious. Also also, I’m making stuff up about the national teams--I mean no offense to Poland. I’m sure they have plenty of qualified fencers. Sorry there isn’t wittier repartee.


There were a limited number of spots on the US team for individual epee, so when the Polish team had offered Jared Padalecki a guaranteed spot, who was he to say no? Of course, that meant that when he made it to the final against Jensen Ackles, it was far from the first time he’d competed with the other man.

In fact, they were very familiar with one another, on and off the strip.

They saluted one another and the referee and judges before settling into en garde position. Jared could just make out Jensen’s broad grin behind his mask.

“Well, well, well,” Jensen taunted, “looks like you got lucky enough to make it this far.”

Jared laughed. “We both know luck had nothing to do with it.” He feinted and lunged, but Jensen danced back out of his long reach. “If you want to help me get lucky later, though...”

“I don’t know,” Jensen pretended to consider, “if that’s the best you’re thrusting today, it’s probably not worth my time.”

“Big talk,” Jared retorted, “from somebody who hasn’t done anything to prove how well he can handle a blade himself.”

The words were barely out of his mouth before Jensen sprang forward and landed a touch on Jared’s right hip, a little too close for comfort to a certain, very interested area. The tone sounded and the lights on Jensen’s gear lit up green.

“You were saying?”

“I forgot,” Jared quipped. “You have a lot of experience with your own weapon, you’re just not that great at dealing with anybody else’s.”

Jensen snorted. “I don’t remember hearing any complaints from you.”

“I was too busy doing all the work.”

Jared lunged again and smirked when he landed a touch on Jensen’s sword arm. Then he realized Jensen’s signal lights were on as well. A double touch.

“When I win,” Jensen declared, “maybe I’ll feel generous enough to give you some pointers on focus.”

“When I win,” Jared countered, “I’ll make you eat those words.”

“What if I’d rather eat something else?” That took Jared aback long enough for Jensen to land another touch, right in the middle of his chest. That was just playing dirty.

“No counter attack for that?” Jensen teased.

After that, Jared put as much focus as he could on the bout. He came close, but the damage had been done. Silver was totally acceptable, though, when Jensen made it very clear there were all manner of fun touches coming later.


RE: FILL: Touché, J2, PG-13 deirdre_c August 29 2016, 23:04:49 UTC
OMG, I am so, so sorry I missed this when you first posted it. I AM THE WORST. THIS IS THE BEST.

I love it so much! You totally have no need to apologize for the repartee, it is PERFECTLY WITTY! I love the “I was too busy doing all the work" line. LOL! Fun touches indeed!!

This was so great, I was smiling the whole time I was reading it. And again, please let me apologize for overlooking it originally. It is delightful and I'm so pleased you wanted to play in the meme. The gold goes to YOU!


RE: FILL: Touché, J2, PG-13 zelda_addict August 30 2016, 01:56:47 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

It's cool. I'm like, professionally late to every party.


RE: FILL: Touché, J2, PG-13 amberdreams September 29 2016, 20:04:50 UTC
hee hee! Of course the Js would know all about poking things with the pointy end..


Re: FILL: Touché, J2, PG-13 zelda_addict September 30 2016, 02:17:13 UTC
Indeed! XD


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