SPN Fic: In Blood, We Trust (Master Post)

Feb 06, 2015 13:14

Title: In Blood, We Trust
Author: deirdre_c
Pairings: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: vampires, bloodplay, reference to violence but nothing described
Word Count: ~21,000
Author's Notes: Written for the spn_reversebang working from a prompt of gorgeous art by the delightful m14mouse. Thank you for your patience with me, Mouse!

More thanks than I can express to Jensen's [woman], cherie_morte for her wonderful, wisecracking beta help. Also to my other unnamed but never forgotten beta, who carried me through this last furious week of fic-writing and without whose love and support and good advice this story would never have been finished.

Summary: Jensen catches his little sister going to Trust, an underground nightclub where people feed vampires voluntarily. He thinks she's crazy... who would want their blood sucked? But he can't help being drawn there himself, and the more he gets to know the owner, Jared, the more he thinks that a little trust isn't so crazy after all.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Epilogue

rps, supernatural fic, j2, reversebang

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