White Nights Vid: Lose My Breath

Jun 13, 2011 06:39

Title: Lose My Breath
Artist: Destiny’s Child
Vidder: deirdre_c
Fandom: White Nights
Pairings: Kolya/Ray
Length: 2:55 min
Summary: A perpendicular expression of horizontal desire.
Author's Note: For destina on the Occasion of Her Birthday. My very first non-SPN vid!

destina originally asked for a White Nights vid on her Festivids request list, and I although I was immediately inspired and originally thought I’d whip something out for her as a Treat, it’s not until 6 months later that I actually found the time to finish it. Um. Hooray for summer birthdays!

Anyway, when White Nights came out in the mid-80s, I was a young teen, dancing approximately 2-4 hours every single day as part of a competitive team. Dancing was pretty much my entire life. So believe me, there was (as the kids say nowadays) SHAKING AND CRYING in the theater when this movie came out. And that is my only excuse for my pathetic inability to cut the culminating dance sequence, which was--aside from MJ’s Thriller video and Alex Owens’ audition at the Conservatory-- the most influential piece of choreography in my young life to that point. :D

Also, it's clear to me now how oblivious I was to the world of slash in the years up until I discovered Livejournal, because, oh my lord!, the eyefucking in this movie is unparalleled.

In sum, eleven pirouettes.

Happy birthday, Des!

Watch here:
(Note: give it a minute to start loading before you hit play, so you don't get skips in the middle!)

image Click to view

Get here:
.avi (46.7MB) via sendspace
.mp4 (49.5MB) via sendspace

Also, there's a permanent download link here (.avi ) and here (.mp4) hosted by the genuine and generous oxoniensis.

white nights, miscellaneous vids

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