Not The Way It Works

Jul 07, 2008 08:01

Okay, here it is: my cya_ficathon assignment.

(And in honour of the occasion, I'll even attempt some proper headings…)

Title: Not The Way It Works
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3600
Disclaimer: All places mentioned in this story are fictional, and no reference to real locations is intended. Except for Los Angeles - apparently that’s real.
Warnings: Grenades, ( Read more... )


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Comments 44

a2zmom July 6 2008, 23:53:27 UTC
Ha, completely delightful. I love methodical Fred and Lorne was the perfect foil.

A furniture store owned by a vampire! What next?


deird1 July 6 2008, 23:57:49 UTC
I'm glad you liked it!

A furniture store owned by a vampire! What next?
Vampire cowboy?


kita0610 July 9 2008, 06:41:12 UTC
Vampire ballerina!

Well done. I really enjoyed this.


deird1 July 9 2008, 06:47:38 UTC


shapinglight July 7 2008, 08:45:51 UTC
That was wonderful. I love Fred and this is just so her. Beautifully written too - and sick Angel made me laugh.


deird1 July 7 2008, 09:41:44 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it!


ticketsonmyself July 9 2008, 10:22:45 UTC
I'm passionately in love with how you tackled the request, and with this story in general, and with you-of course-for capturing Fred as the big damn action hero we always knew she was. That's our girl, large and in charge (okay, teensy-weensy and in charge), courageous and meticulous and smart as a whip. Oh, Fred! And oh, Fred and Lorne are both so adorable here. Stellar writing; I'm going to reread and savor. Adding your story to my "Celebrating Fred" list!


deird1 July 9 2008, 20:10:40 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Fred is one of my favourite characters, but my goodness she's hard to write...


wehavedental July 9 2008, 12:50:38 UTC
The reason this caught my eye was plainly, you've completed your request for the ficathon over a week before it's actually due. Kudos! (note: this comes from the girl who will write her own story for the challenge a day before it is due)

This was brillant. So many lines that I couldn't possibly list them all, but I'm going to mention a few things anyway.

Sorry, I originally posted this comment anonymously by accident!

Lorne and Fred friendship was adorable. I especially loved the conversation about Cordelia and the unicorns, and the random comments about Wesley's cravings. Cravings that sounded an awful lot like he was pregnant. Eep.

The conversation about her writing on the desk, deep in consentration, and Fred over the PA system was just so perfectly...Fred. *squee*

And finally, one brief question, Mirrors And Picture Frames <--- why is this capitalized?


deird1 July 9 2008, 20:18:15 UTC
The reason this caught my eye was plainly, you've completed your request for the ficathon over a week before it's actually due.

I have indeed :)

Lorne and Fred friendship was adorable.

Thanks! I had fun writing those bits.

Cravings that sounded an awful lot like he was pregnant.

Heh. I didn't even think of that. But you know, this show tends to average at least one mystical pregnancy a year...

and Fred over the PA system was just so perfectly...Fred.


Mirrors And Picture Frames <--- why is this capitalized?

Because it's a section of the furniture store. I've got Settees And Side Tables, Assorted Chairs, Beds And Bedding, Mirrors And Picture Frames, and Fine Dining...

I'm glad you liked this!


hello_spikey July 9 2008, 15:28:59 UTC
This is made of awesome!!!

All the little details - the mundanity of it. Poor sick Angel and his "Lee me 'lone!"


As she should.

This kind of sums up the tone: “when people talk about working for a supernatural detective agency, they make it sound chock-full of glamour, excitement, and hunting down monsters. They kinda gloss over the vomit.”

I love that the evil vampire furniture store employees are still just running a furniture store. And it DOES have reasonable prices and everything - they didn't have to resort to eating the competition.



deird1 July 9 2008, 20:22:31 UTC

Poor sick Angel and his "Lee me 'lone!"

Hee! I have a secret love of picking on Angel. He's just so fun when he's grumpy.

I love that the evil vampire furniture store employees are still just running a furniture store.

At first, I was thinking about your standard dark warehouse filled with broken couches and lots of victims - but then it occurred to me that this way might be a lot more fun. Glad to hear it was!


Fred is so awesome.



I'm glad you liked this!


hello_spikey July 9 2008, 20:33:42 UTC
I have a secret love of picking on Angel. He's just so fun when he's grumpy.

He IS!! OMG I have to read more of your fic now. I adore tormenting the Angel! :D


deird1 July 9 2008, 22:10:26 UTC
Don't we all?


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