Don't you hate it when you have an excellent idea for a blog post, but by the time you actually sit down to post it, you've forgotten what it was? *sighs*
So, random life update:
- Am almost finished with Latin book 5, at which point I will be a (self-described) Advanced Latin Student, ready for such majestic heights as fairytales-in-Latin, Harry-Potter-in-Latin, and short-excerpts-from-classic-Latin-texts-with-the-translation-right-there-in-case-I-get-confused. Very awesome.
- Am feeling very organised, because all my Christmas presents are wrapped.
- The boy is now walking all day, and getting rather adventurous. Fun, but slightly exhausting.
- We are between heatwaves, so having nice sunny weather. Most of my plants have survived so far.
- The husband is now halfway through season 3 of Farscape. He's enjoying it, most of the time.
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