
Oct 09, 2013 08:34

It's supposed to be hot today. Being aware of this, I am currently sitting in my freezing cold house, shivering, and reminding myself that turning the heater on would be a boneheadedly stupid thing to do.

Saw Agents of Shield the other night. It... reminded me of Torchwood.

By which I mean that it had the central leader guy who knew exactly how to handle the other characters and did nothing wrong, and a whole bunch of other characters whose entire personality could be summed up by their jobs. There's "tech guy", "kung-fu chick", and "secret agent man" - but, so far, I know nothing else about any of them. Are they sarcastic? Do they like chocolate? Have they ever been really bored? It's a mystery.

So far? Not intrigued. Not enough to keep watching. I like investigation-of-the-week shows, but every show like that that's ever drawn me in has done so through the characters - and, so far, I haven't seen any of those.

(Yes, still planning to fic... Rather delayed by life...)

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geekery, random observings

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