Recipe #13 was Butterfly Cakes.
What you do is, you make little cakes in patty pans - vaguely muffin-shaped - and then you cut out the top bit so there's a small hole in the top of each one. And you fill the holes with jam and cream.
Then you get the bits you cut off, halve them (to make wings) and put them back on top. So the cakes look like they're little jam-and-cream flowers, with cakey butterflies perched on them.
Kind of like this:
...except I did the jam differently.
It's interesting: I hate devonshire tea, which is scones with jam and cream. But I love butterfly cakes, which are cake with jam and cream - and broadly the same kind of thing.
I think it's because, for some reason, the texture of the scones makes me see them as a savoury thing (hence I love cheese scones), so the sweet jam and cream just doesn't fit.
Anyway... butterfly cakes!
We had them at the housemate's kitchen tea, which was very fun.
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