
Aug 01, 2010 06:08

Very busy day.

- went ice skating with church people and international students *
- had lunch with ice skating people **
- met boyfriend's sister ***
- had a birthday party for a cat ****
- went home and packed *****
- took luggage to parents' house, and went out to dinner with them ******
- went to a birthday party for a friend from uni *******

* Boyfriend: "Hey people, this is Mez."
International Student: "Oh, is she your daughter?"
...I don't look that young, do I?

** Not while they were ice skating...

*** She had NO warning I was coming - but was happy to meet me anyway.

**** Caleb was very excited, and had baked a cake - so I had to go, really...

***** Lots of luggage, and also my cat.

****** Extremely fancy restaurant - with BEST TOILETS EVER.

******* For most of this, I sat around feeling exhausted. And then left early.

All of that happened straight after each other - which didn't really give me much time to actually relax. Or sit down...

Today will be a day of nothing much. :)

The reason for all the packing? My parents are going to America for two weeks, and I'm housesitting for them.

I am now sleeping in my old bed, cooking in my old kitchen, and feeling eerily teenagered.

My cat is NOT happy with this sudden relocating, and is running around meowing in upset tones. This is impossible to sleep through - and the reason I was up before 6 this morning...

keyword-21, keyword-151, Elf

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