The thing that's annoying me most about the whole Diana Gabaldon thing?
The persistent comments of "Yeah, I know it's easier working with existing characters and plotlines, but you really should put in the extra effort and come up with your own..."
I don't know about you guys, but I for one loved how easy it was to come up with a way for Faith and Buffy to hang out mid-series, given that Faith was in jail and Buffy was... not.
And how wonderfully simple it was coming up with a reason why Fred would be fighting vampires by herself without the rest of the Fang Gang helping out.
And how relaxing it was knowing that Wesley's personality was already figured out for me, so that if I wrote a single word he wouldn't say, every single person who read my story would notice it.
It was so nice getting halfway through a story about Chao-Ahn and then remembering that she was lactose intolerant and having to change the entire scene and lose all my cool jokes about cereal.
So fun to spend a week stressing because I couldn't figure out when Angel and Spike would be able to manage phonecalls during that season.
I really enjoy cutting entire pages of plot because I suddenly remember a single line in a completely different episode that means my story needs serious rewriting. And being unable to write the plot I wanted to because the characters I have to work with have personalities that don't fit the story. And spending days researching Doritos, hair dye, or how to say "I need to use the toilet" in Cantonese, just so I can make the details of my story fit the canon I'm working with. That stuff rocks, dude.
I love you, pre-existing characters and plotlines! Thank you for making my story writing so simple and effortless!