Swearing in Other Englishs

Feb 04, 2010 21:17

I recently realised something about writing different dialects.

You see, I’m an Aussie. My English is (sort of) a mixture of British English and American English - with a lot of Australian slang thrown in. It makes me a pretty reasonable Britpicker for American writers, and also a pretty good Ameripicker for British writers. But there’s one area I’m not very qualified to handle: swearing.

It’s not that I don’t know plenty of swear words. If you asked, I could list plenty of swear words for use by all kinds of American characters, or British characters, or pretty much anyone. But… I’m not entirely sure what they mean. Or - more precisely - I don’t entirely know what the characters mean when they use them.

A bit more explanation might be required. (Otherwise you’ll all think I’ve just got a crap vocabulary.)

I was betaing a fic for someone recently, in which she had an Australian character talking about an ex-boyfriend and using the term “that jerk Mike”.

I pointed out that Aussies don’t really say “jerk” that much, and after consultation with another Australian, offered the following alternatives:

“that idiot Mike” - which implies a very harsh opinion of Mike, and possibly a fair amount of bitterness, too

“that retard Mike” - still harsh, but she’s mostly over the whole thing

“that dickhead Mike” - she doesn’t really like him anymore

“that tosser Mike” - doesn’t like him, but more in an eye-rolling sort of way than a nasty way

“that bastard Mike” - affectionate, and possibly said with a smile

You see, if an Aussie calls someone a “bastard”, it’s not really that big a deal. Somewhere else? It might be hugely insulting - I have no idea.

American insults and swear words don’t tend to be ones I’d hear over here, except on TV. So I can generally (mostly) figure out how harsh they are, comparatively speaking, and when they’d be likely to be used.

British insults, on the other hand, are quite often the exact same insults used by Australians - but in a different hierarchy, with different ones being used to friends, strangers who cut you off in traffic, and deadly enemies.
I’m rather worried that, if I wrote a British character swearing, I’d end up with a swear word that was way too harsh - or, alternatively, extremely cute, but one way or the other, it just wouldn’t fit.


keyword-3, keyword-6

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