A few thoughts of the random variety.

Feb 20, 2009 17:06

1) It's really nice to look through old jewellery, discover something you'd completely forgotten about, and realise that it just happens to go perfectly with all your outfits...

2) I filled in an internet survey today that, among other things, asked about people's political views. ("Are you a: Conservative, b: Liberal, c: Socialist, d: Anarchist, etc...")
Annoyingly, the first letter of the answers were all capitalised (as demonstrated above), so I almost got very confused.
In Australia, you see, there is an enormous difference between a liberal and a Liberal. Politically, they're polar opposites.

3) There is no way Tara would beat Gwen Raiden in a showdown, no matter what blogging comic book geeks might think.

4) You really do feel quite ridiculous having a two-year-old run up to you in a crowded restaurant and announce "I did a WEE!" at the top of his lungs, and having to respond with delighted enthusiasm while ignoring all the odd looks from other customers.

5) Frasier really is an enormously fun show.

keyword-21, the buffyverse, keyword-6, keyword-141, keyword-20, keyword-72

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