I feel an urgent need for angry chick music.
The thing I hate about Valentine's Day? The radio.
Not only does every single song have to be a sappy love song - thus taking away three quarters of the truly fun songs - but the radio people actually try to remember that, yes, some of their listeners might actually be single.
Which means you end up getting all these between-song comments from the radio announcers, such as:
And to all those single women out there, good luck! We hope you find someone.
For all you listeners who aren't in relationships, you should go out and enjoy Valentine's Day too. Who knows? Maybe you'll meet someone tonight!
Look, silly radio people: I like romance. I think it's fun. And sweet. And romantic. Go romance!
But that does not mean I am desperate to be in a relationship and weeping into my pillow every night over my tragic lack of a significant other.
Truthfully? I like being single. It has its good side. And as much as you think you're incredibly lucky, I don't spend my entire life horribly upset that I'm not Just Like You.
Please to be not treating me like a social leper who needs to be reassured that there's a bright side to my pathetic lovelorn existence? Thanks.
tl;dr - Go die in a fire, stupid radio people. I'm going to go listen to angry breakup music instead.
ETA: It has just been brought to my attention that my final sentence, while fairly standard internet angry-speech, is possibly not appropriate given the current bushfire situation. *facepalm*
My apologies.