As of last Saturday, I have found a new champion for this prestigious title. Some of you may remember
the original Worst Pickup Line Ever. Oddly enough, this one was race-related as well. It seems we have a theme here.
Let me set this up for you. So, last Saturday Adam was at his fraternity for a guys-only event. I figure that this is a good opportunity to go out to the bar with my roomie and some girlfriends, so after a little warm-up we head out to Peggy's. The place is packed (that's just part of its inherent, awkwardly constructed nature) but we find semi-refuge in the dart room. I'm standing there talking with [read: yelling at] my friends and I see two guys nearby eyeing me.
One guy is tall with blond curly hair, standing next to his friend, a tall brunet looking sitting on a stool and looking slightly uncomfortable. They keep looking over at me and laughing confidentially, apparently egging each other on, so I turn toward them, just waiting to see what they're going to throw at me. Curly boy then proceeds to drop this one on me while this friend looks on, embarrassed:
"So, my friend here has never fucked an Asian."
Thank you, Wedding Crashers. Thanks soooooo damn much. You've given birth to a whole new series of bad pickup lines. If I didn't think this was so ludicrously hilarious, I would have slapped him right there. But wait, it gets better. I took it good naturedly (encouraged, in part, to my friend Bacardi) and just laughed, and we teased him for actually using such a bad line. I then replied:
"Sorry, I'm taken."
His response?
"Me too!"
Coincidentally, another guy had given the same exact response not an hour earlier.