icon meme

Sep 05, 2010 14:46

Icon meme from fififolle , sorry it's taken me a couple of days to actually do it, it's been one of those weeks where I just haven't stopped since about last Tuesday!

* Reply to this post with the phrase I LOVED YOU ACROSS TIME and I will pick six of your icons.
* Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
* Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
* This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

Fifi picked these icons:

This first one was, in fact, made by fififolle ! Originally it came from a picture that Fi made after she inhaled the entirety of my 5D/3Y series in about two days flat. I asked her if she could turn it into an icon for me so I could have a shiny new Connor/Ryan icon for the third series (which then ground to a halt after only two chapters... *headdesk*). This is definitely my fave C/R icon, the boys look so angsty and yummy!

This one is made by duck_revolution  and I found it when I was randomly trawling for icons a while back. By utter coincidence, it just goes so well with my catch-phrase of 'a plan with a hat', I just had to have it.

This one is by epetrus who occasionally posts icons to andrewleepotts. It's a scene from the Syfy mini series Alice, with Andrew playing Hatter, and there's a scene where they crash land in a lake and have a big angsty argument on the beach and he's all wet and his hair is ruffled and spiky and he's all angsty and angry and.... Really, it's Andrew-Lee Potts soaking wet in a leather jacket looking angsty. Does it actually *need* any more explanation?

I made this one myself because I really wanted an icon of Rex and Sid and Nancy because they're adorable. Also, I wanted a Primeval icon that didn't include any of the characters, but had creatures for when I'm posting or commenting to Dinosaur/Era of the Month posts. This one isn't great, but it's the best scene I could get with all three of them together, and my graphics skills aren't up to splicing spearate images together, so it was this or nothing.

This one is made by sallymn. I picked it up because lately Connor/Lester has become one of my guilty pleasure pairings, and I decided if I liked the pairing enough to squee over it and have occasional cravings for Connor/Lester hurt/comfort fic, then I probably ought to have an appropriate pairing icon to use when commenting to said fics.

Another one that I made myself, because I wanted more than one Becker icon, and he's rather tasty when he's dirty and ruffled. What's not to love about this pose, really?


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