Recently I've been having some quite intersting discussions with Munchkinofdoom re the change between S1 and S2 with Connor, and the sudden appearance of his techie computer and engineering skills. Leaving aside how much you take canon at face value for the use of these skills (which myself and Munchkin do entirely disagree about), I've been
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I'd definitely concede that at the very least they have considerably emphasised his hardware tech skills. S1 was more about knowledge, both explicitly pointed out dino-geekery and more implicit software/coding and research skills.
I suppose there isn't enough evidence in canon to be certain either way, but I defintiely feel that the writers deliberately went in a different direction with Connor in S2, and made far more of an effort to give him something that was 'his' area of expertise.
They *are* different skills, but based on the software geeks I know - who do not have any more experience than repairing or putting together pc's on occasion - they're quite happy to go with the school based electronic they did and figure out how with the help of the internet guides.
As for the ADD, we never have any evidence he made the hardware, do we? I can't believe he orchestrated it all himself - that's got to take a team, even if he was leader of it (which seems unlikely to my mind unless it's a title for sake of ego).
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