2024 reading list

Feb 20, 2024 18:25

Ok, so we're already halfway through February before I have posted this year's reading list post. But hey, it's better than last year!!

No book bingo again this year, so it's a free for all on whatever I want to read. Hopefully more books, rather than just the constant cycle of magazines. Although since I'm already starting the year behind with the magazines, I'm not holding out much hope! That said, last year I finally admitted defeat and cancelled my subscription to Writing Magazine, so that's one less to keep up with.

I also want to try to read more fiction books this year (she says, eyeing the large to-read pile of history and popular science non-fictions books!)

Last year's total was 17.5 books (didn't finish one, so I'm calling it a half!), which was better than I expected, although I have to admit that there were several short novella-length e-books in there, which probably helped.

I'm absolutely not setting any targets, but out of interest I've just looked back at all my reading lists since I started in 2017. 2018 was the best year with 33 books read. 2021 was the low point with just 7. Somewhere around 20 would be nice this year, but if it's anything in double figures I'll probably call it a win.

So, onto 2024!


Looking For Adventure, by Steve Backshall (non-fiction). Started 12/1/24 - finished 24/1/24

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, by Claire North (fiction). Started 25/1/24 - finished 7/2/24 (really enjoyed that, would highly recommend!)



New Scientist 3466, 25th November 2023
New Scientist 3467, 2nd December 2023
New Scientist 3468, 9th December 2023
Astronomy Now January 2024


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