2020 reading list

Mar 03, 2020 21:06

Hmmm, ok, I know it's March already, but better late than never?

Here's the 2020 reading list. I've decided I'm not doing the book bingo challenge this year, mostly because I really need to spend a few months getting on top of my, quite frankly, ridiculous backlog of magazines. Two months in, no books read, some dents being made in magazine piles...

What If - Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, by Randall Munroe (non- fiction). Started 25/3/20 - finished 4/4/20

The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs, by Steve Brusatte (non-fiction). Started 14/4/20 - finished 19/4/20

Blood on the Tongue, by Stephen Booth (fiction). Started 30/5/20 - finished 31/5/20

A Brief History of Stonehenge, by Aubrey Burl (non-fiction). Started 24/6/20 - finished 2/7/20

English Heritage Stonehenge Guidebook, by Julian Richards (non-fiction). Started 2/7/20 - finished 5/7/20

Just One Damned Thing After Another, by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 7/7/20 - finished 8/7/20

A Symphony of Echoes, by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 8/7/20 - finished 10/7/20

A Second Chance, by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 10/7/20 - finished 11/7/20

A Trail Through Time, by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 11/7/20 - finished 14/7/20

The Long and Short Of It (St Mary's short story collection), by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 14/7/20 - finished 31/7/20

No Time Like the Past, by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 15/7/20 - finished 17/7/20

What Could Possibly Go Wrong, by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 18/7/20 - finished 18/7/20

Lies, Damned Lies, and History, by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 26/7/20 - finished 27/7/20

And The Rest is History, by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 27/7/20 - finished 30/7/20

Long Story Short (the second St Mary's short story collection), by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 2/8/20 - finished 17/8/20

An Argumentation of Historians, by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 3/8/20 - finished 16/8/20

Hope For The Best, by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 16/8/20 - finished 16/8/20

Plan For The Worst, by Jodi Taylor (fiction). Started 17/8/20 - finished 19/8/20

Lethal White, by Robert Galbraith (fiction). Started 26/8/20 - finished 29/8/20

The Plantagenets, by Dan Jones (non-fiction). Started 6/9/20 - finished 7/11/20


Astronomy Now, November 2019
Astronomy Now, December 2019
Astronomy Now, January 2020
New Scientist no 3256, 16th November 2019
New Scientist no 3257, 23rd November 2019
New Scientist no 3258, 30th November 2019
New Scientist no 3259, 7th December 2019
New Scientist no 3260, 14th December 2019
New Scientist no 3261/62 21st/28th December 2019

New Scientist no 3263 4th January 2020
New Scientist no 3264, 11th January 2020
New Scientist no 3265, 18th January 2020
New Scientist no 3266, 25th January 2020
New Scientist no 3268, 8th February 2020
Astronomy Now, February 2020
BBC History Magazine September 2018
Current Archaeology 348, March 2019
Current Archaeology 349, April 2019
Current Archaeology 350, May 2019

New Scientist no 3269, 15th February 2020
New Scientist no 3270, 22nd February 2020
New Scientist no 3271, 29th February 2020
New Scientist no 3272, 7th March 2020
Astronomy Now March 2020
New Scientist no 3273, 14th March 2020
New Scientist no 3274, 21st March 2020
Current Archaeology 351, June 2019
Current Archaeology 352, July 2019

All About History issue 67 (summer 2018)
All About History Anne Boleyn special (summer 2018)
New Scientist no 3275, 28th March 2020
New Scientist no 3276, 4th April 2020
Astronomy Now April 2020
Science Focus collection vol 13 - The Ultimate Guide to Ancient Life on Earth (2019)
Science Focus collection vol 12 - The Ultimate Guide to the Solar System (2019)
New Scientist no 3277, 11th April 2020
Current Archaeology 353, August 2019
Current Archaeology 354, September 2019
Current Archaeology 355, October 2019

New Scientist no 3278, 18th April 2020
New Scientist no 3279, 25th April 2020
New Scientist no 3280, 2nd May 2020
New Scientist collection - The Essential Guide to Earth (2019)
New Scientist collection - The Quest for Space (2019)
All About History 'bookazine' special - Richard III and the Plantagenets
Current Archaeology 356, November 2019
Current Archaeology 357, December 2019
Current Archaeology 358, January 2020
Current Archaeology 359, February 2020
Current Archaeology 360, March 2020
New Scientist no 3281, 9th May 2020
New Scientist no 3282, 16th May 2020
New Scientist no 3283, 23rd May 2020

New Scientist no 3284, 30th May 2020
Current Archaeology 361, April 2020
Current Archaeology 362, May 2020
Astronomy Now May 2020
Astronomy Now June 2020
Current Archaeology 363, June 2020
Current Archaeology 364, July 2020 (officially completely up to date with Current Arch for the first time in about two or three years! Woo!)
Ancient History 20, Feb/March 2019
New Scientist 3285, 6th June 2020
New Scientist 3286, 13th June 2020
New Scientist 3287, 20th June 2020
Writing Magazine November 2018 (that 2018 is not a typo, that's how much of a backlog I have of Writing Magazine)

Writing Magazine December 2018
British Archaeology May/June 2018
Astronomy Now July 2020
New Scientist 3288, 27th June 2020
New Scientist 3289, 4th July 2020
New Scientist 3290, 11th July 2020
New Scientist 3291, 18th July 2020
New Scientist 3292, 25th July 2020

Astronomy Now August 2020
New Scientist 3293, 1st August 2020
New Scientist 3294, 8th August 2020
Writing Magazine January 2019
Current Archaeology 365, August 2020
Current Archaeology 366, September 2020
Writing Magazine February 2019
New Scientist 3295, 15th August
Writing Magazine March 2010
New Scientist 3296, 22nd August
Writing Magazine April 2019

New Scientist 3297, 29th August
Astronomy Now September 2020
New Scientist 3298,5th September
New Scientist 3299, 12th September
New Scientist 3300, 19th September
Astronomy Now October 2020
New Scientist 3301, 26th September

New Scientist 3302, 3rd October
New Scientist 3303, 10th October
Astronomy Now November 2020
New Scientist 3304, 17th October
New Scientist 3305, 24th October

New Scientist 3306, 31st October
Current Archaeology 367, October 2020
Current Archaeology 368 November 2020
Writing Magazine May 2019
Writing Magazine Crime Writing special
New Scientist 3307, 7th November 2020
New Scientist 3308, 14th November 2020
New Scientist 3309, 21st November 2020
Writing Magazine June 2019

Space the Final Fromtiers - Science Focus magazine collection
Sky at Night November 2020
Astronomy Now December 2020
Sky at Night December 2020
Writing Magazine July 2019
Writing Magazine Writing for Children special
Writing Magazine August 2019
New Scientist 3310, 28th November
New Scientist 3311, 5th December
New Scientist 3312, 12th December
New Scientist 3313/3314 19th/26th December

reading list

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