Book Bingo 2019

Jan 14, 2019 18:56

I'm doing ljbookbingo again in 2019. \o/

I just about scraped a blackout in on the very last day of 2018, so it would be nice to manage it with a bit more room to spare this time round. But mostly I'm just looking forward to reading lots of interesting and entertaining books in 2019.

In 2017 I read 28 books, in 2018 I read 33, so for 2019 I'm setting a vague 'target' of 40, but I'm not putting myself under any pressure - it's supposed to be fun, after all!

Here's the 2019 card:

1. Fantasy/Sci Fi/Paranormal: Hope For the Best, by Jodi Taylor
2. Mystery/Crime/Thriller/True Crime: Dancing with the Virgins, by Stephen Booth review here
3. Audio Book or eBook:
4. Number or Color in the Title: Six Degrees, by Mark Lynas review here
5. Diverse Reads:

6. Children’s or Young Adult:
7. Biography/Autobiography/Non-Fiction: Step By Step - the life in my journeys, by Simon Reeve
8. Historical (fiction or non-fiction): Alexander the Great, by Paul Cartledge
9. Set in your State/Country or Written by a Local Author: Black Dog, by Stephen Booth review here
10. Title Starts with the First Letter of Your Name: Dynasty - the rise and fall of the house of Caesar, by Tom Holland

11. Female Author: The Incredible Unlikelines of Being, by Alice Roberts. review here
12. One Word Title:
14. Movie Tie-In/Made Into a Movie:
15. Title is at least 6 Words Long:

16. Published This Year: The Gynae Geek, by Dr Anita Mitra
17. Horror:
18. Chosen Based on the Cover:
19. A Banned Book:
20. A New-to-You Author: Invisible Women - exposing data bias in a world designed for men, by Caroline Criado Perez

21. Comic or Graphic Novelsubstitution - Book that Won an Award: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, by Gail Honeyman review here
22. A book that is part of a series (4+ books):
23. TV Tie-In/Turned into a TV Show: The Planets, by Andrew Cohen with Professor Brian Cox
24. Fairy Tale or Fairy Tale Retellingsubstitution - Character With a Disability: Lethal White, by Robert Galbraith
25. Cookbook or Food Memoir: Veggie Lean in 15, by Joe Wicks

There's a new thing this year where you can substitute up to two squares for one of the categories that didn't make it into the final card:

1. Romance
2. Less than 200 pages long
3. A book that won an award
4. Spin-off or shared universe
5. First person POV
6. A Classic
7. An anthology of short stories
8. A book that features a character with a disability
9. An author's debut novel
10. Set in the future
11. Animal on the cover
12. 100k+ word fanfic

my 2019 reading list

book bingo

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