I know there are surprisingly few people on my Primeval f-list who share my squee over Andrew-Lee Potts, but I've just watched a film he was in - New Years Day - and felt the need to comment.
I do love that movie, dark as it can get, and you're right about Andrew-Lee's acting in it. It's not just that Primeval doesn't stretch his acting muscles - although Season 2 was better in that respect. A lot of the other things he does don't seem to.
You need to watch Rose and Maloney, if you haven't yet :) He's also really, really good in that - blows everyone else off the screen, except maybe the two leads.
Thanks for the rec of this one. I'll be watching it more than once, i suspect. So far the only other stuff I've seen are Stranded, and that very short thing - The Dipper - which i found a link to from your lj. I *want* to see him in Rose and Malony after that review you did, but even i won't buy an entire series just for a couple of eps of A-LP.
I really hope series 3 of Primeval gives him more to do. He does the comedy stuff so well, but he can do so much other good stuff as well as comedy, it seems like a waste to only give him just a couple of dramatic scripts in an entire series.
I was just thinking this morning, I first came across him playing Connor, who is obviously a good and heroic character, but now having seen him in other stuff I'm really starting to appreciate his ability when playing morally ambiguous or morally conflicted characters. And more to the point, playing morally ambiguous characters and still managing to make them largely sympathetic.
So I started thinking; wouldn't it be good if there was an episode of Primeval that gave him the chance to do something really evil - like say some sort of mind altering chemicals come through an anomaly via plants or a creature, and Connor gets infected, and then he gets to spend most of an episode being really scary and nasty and evil. And of course have lots of angst afterwards when he realises what he has done.
Ooh, I like this visual place. In fact, I think I may have just plot bunnied myself. Oh, meep.
I read an interview with Andrew-Lee in which he said that playing Connor was a departure for him because he didn't normally do comedy. Up until then he'd largely been playing serial killers.
I didn't believe him until I started to check out his back catalogue and... dude. He does scarily psycho and yet still sympathetic so well.
If you haven't had a chance to check out some of the things he's done then you need to see if you can... um... acquire some. He's appeared in quite a few British crime series as suspects - Taggert, Trial and Retribution, Dalziel and Pascoe to name just three. And, yeah... Scarily intense in them ::g:: And, seriously. Check out Rose and Maloney. He is scarily good in that one.
If Alyse hasn't already persuaded you - *really* you should watch the Rose and Maloney with A-LP in it. He was great. Spent the entire two episodes playing a very fine line between looking young and vulnerable, and looking really rather scary.
You need to watch Rose and Maloney, if you haven't yet :) He's also really, really good in that - blows everyone else off the screen, except maybe the two leads.
I really hope series 3 of Primeval gives him more to do. He does the comedy stuff so well, but he can do so much other good stuff as well as comedy, it seems like a waste to only give him just a couple of dramatic scripts in an entire series.
I was just thinking this morning, I first came across him playing Connor, who is obviously a good and heroic character, but now having seen him in other stuff I'm really starting to appreciate his ability when playing morally ambiguous or morally conflicted characters. And more to the point, playing morally ambiguous characters and still managing to make them largely sympathetic.
So I started thinking; wouldn't it be good if there was an episode of Primeval that gave him the chance to do something really evil - like say some sort of mind altering chemicals come through an anomaly via plants or a creature, and Connor gets infected, and then he gets to spend most of an episode being really scary and nasty and evil. And of course have lots of angst afterwards when he realises what he has done.
Ooh, I like this visual place. In fact, I think I may have just plot bunnied myself. Oh, meep.
I didn't believe him until I started to check out his back catalogue and... dude. He does scarily psycho and yet still sympathetic so well.
But he just looks too young and cute to be a serial killer. Which is probably part of why he is quite so scary when he does it.
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