Book Bingo Card

Jan 10, 2018 20:19

I've signed up for ljbookbingo this year, mostly due to encouragement/nagging from clea2011, and pompom waving from fififolle.

Last year I kept a book reading list, which I think I'll do again this year as well, simply because I'm also tracking all the magazines and journals I read, and I suspect I'll also be reading several books that won't fit the bingo card, so I need a separate list for completeness.

Here's my bingo card. I have to admit, I've already spotted several squares that could be filled with books that are already on my to-read list, so that's a win before I've even started!

1. Mystery/Crime - Career of Evil, Robert Galbraith review post here
2. Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Paranormal/Urban Fantasy/Supernatural - A Symphony of Echoes, Jodi Taylor
3. Published the year you were born WILD CARD - It's Not Rocket Science, Ben Miller
4. One Word Title - Tamed, Alice Roberts review post here
5. Children's or YA book - Wolf Brother, Michelle Paver review post here

6. Fanfic of at least 100k words - To Those Who Walk In Darkness, Somniare review post here
7. Comic/Graphic Novel - 300, Frank Miller and Lynn Varley review post here
8. A Favorite Re-read - The Martian, Andy Weir review post here
9. Diverse Reads - A Little Gay History, R. B. Parkinson review post here
10. Recommended by a Friend, Family Member, or Colleague - Just One Damned Thing After Another, Jodi Taylor

11. Published this Year - An Argumentation of Historians, Jodi Taylor
12. Non-Fiction - The Ends of the World, Peter Brannen
13. Free Space - The Greeks and Greek Love, James Davidson review post here
14. A Romance - Strain, Amelia C. Gormley review post here
15. At or near the bottom of your TBR pile - The Extrordinary Voyage of Pytheas the Greek, Barry Cunliffe review post here

16. Number or Color in the Title - 1177 BC - The Year Civilisation Collapsed, Eric H. Cline review post here
17. Animal on the Cover - What Could Possibly Go Wrong, Jodi Taylor
18. Script or Screenplay WILD CARD How Evolution Explains Everything About Life (New Scientist Instant Expert series), editor Alison George review post here
19. TV Tie-in/Turned into a TV Show - The Cuckoo's Calling, Robert Galbraith review post here
20. Biography/Autobiography - As You Wish - inconceivable tales from the making of The Princess Bride, Cary Elwes review post here

21. Poetry/Play - Nothing is Ordinary, Viv Apple review post here
22. Horror - The Grieving Stones, Gary McMahon review post here
23. A Classic - The Thirty-nine Steps, John Buchan review post here
24. Never Judge a Book by its Movie - The Woman in Black, Susan Hill review post here
25. Out of Your Comfort Zone - The Demon's Brood - The Plantagenet Dynasty that Forged the English Nation review post here

book bingo

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