small fandom bang art for Lewis fic 'Close To Home'

Apr 15, 2016 14:28

Here's the artwork I made for the smallfandombang Lewis fic Close To Home by fortesomniare. Go read the excellent fic here

This is the e-book cover.

Scene divider (which I appreciate looks rather like the scene divider I did for the other Lewis small fandom bang fic that I did art for, but there are a few fic-appropriate differences).

And two graphics inspired by scenes from the fic.

Thanks to bacardivodka for permission (via fortesomniare) to use the photograph of Blackbird Leys Park, which appears in the e-book cover. Also thanks to the people on inspector_lewis who replied when I was having a last minute panic search for episodes featuring photographs of Val Lewis.

small fandom bang, fandom: lewis, graphics

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