New Doctor Who

Aug 23, 2014 21:40

Well, I have to say I rather enjoyed that! Far more than I expected to, truth be told.

new Doctor Who episode spoilers behind the cut )

doctor who, ramblings, tv, squee

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Comments 19

reggietate August 23 2014, 21:20:04 UTC
I enjoyed it very much - Peter C was terrific, and I laughed out loud at quite a lot of it. And what's with Missy? Very strange. I've avoided all spoilers, ever the mild ones, because I wanted to experience it in an unbiased way, and so far, I'm not regretting the decision.

Vastra, Jenny and Strax were as good as ever, and it looked splendid. And it even made me feel sorry for the T-rex ;-)

Definitely looking forwards to the rest of the series.


deinonychus_1 August 24 2014, 10:58:42 UTC
I'm really not sure what I expecting from him but I certainly wasn't expecting to laugh quite that much. It definitely bodes well.

The only 'spoilers' I have seen are the episode summaries they've put in this week's Radio Times, so not very spoilery at all, really.


reggietate August 24 2014, 11:23:26 UTC
I've even avoided the Radio Times ones, though I might take a peek later :-) Though reading failfandom_anon gave me one p[possibility about who Missy might be, which sounds quite intriguing.

The Sunday Times critic A A Gill was rude and sneery about the whole thing, but then he's generally a dickhead about anything popular, so I usually ignore him :-D And there's the usual Moffat hate in some quarters, which i also ignore - I'm not Moffs greatest fan, but he's nothing like as bad as some people like to make out. I do wish he'd get teh Doctor away from Earth a bit more, though.

I shall have to pick up a new Who icon!


clea2011 August 23 2014, 22:20:22 UTC
I quite enjoyed it, and yes he was quite funny and I think he's a good choice too.

Obviously I've not watched it properly for a while, apart from Clara's episodes recently. I didn't get the bit at the end - who is the woman in paradise?

Daleks next week!

I don't have a Dr Who icon.


deinonychus_1 August 24 2014, 11:04:11 UTC
I loved Matt Smith in the role, but we got a decent three year run out of him so I was happy to be open minded about Peter Capaldi. I think he'll be a very different type of Doctor, but he'll be good.

I'm afraid I don't now who that woman at the end was. I'm guessing she might be some sort of onrunning series plot arc, but I don't think we've seen her before.

I have several DW icons, most of which feature Rory, so are now horrendously out of date. Meh...


entangled_now August 24 2014, 07:25:51 UTC
Yes, I'm definitely enjoying the tone he brought to the Doctor. He feels much sharper.

Also, dinosaurs!


deinonychus_1 August 24 2014, 11:07:46 UTC
Dinosaurs \o/ Dinosaurs always improve any show!

I have to admit I haven't really watched PC in anything before other than his one off guest role in DW during Tennant's era, and Torchwood Children of Earth. I'm kind of glad about that, because it meant I had very few expectations or preconceptions about him. Based on the first ep, I think he'll do a good job in the role.


reggietate August 24 2014, 11:25:43 UTC
I last saw him in The Hour, and he was very good (still haven't forgiven the Beeb for cancelling that).


deinonychus_1 August 24 2014, 15:51:36 UTC
Oh, speaking of things that the Beeb cancelled, have you noticed that Ripper Street is being repeated on Drama channel this week?


jaynedoll August 24 2014, 11:11:09 UTC
I enjoyed the episode - I thought it was one of the best series openers in a long time. Personally I'm glad they've changed the dynamic between Clara + the Dr - I want to see something different instead of young girl in short skirt flirting with the Dr + him trying to flirt back.

And I liked seeing the return of Strax/Jenny/Madame Vastra.


deinonychus_1 August 24 2014, 11:16:08 UTC
I'm liking to no flirting thing as well. I think that's part of why I liked the team vibe with Amy and Rory, because it wasn't just Doctor plus pretty young girl, it was a proper team, and while there was a pairing, it didn't involve the Doctor himself (apart from with River, of course, but she's a whole different story).


fififolle August 24 2014, 15:44:47 UTC
It was a great dinosaur!! I did like that bit. And Capaldi was pretty good :D


deinonychus_1 August 24 2014, 15:53:16 UTC
Dinosaurs! Dinosaurs are always awesome. :-)


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