fanfic: Necessary

Jul 20, 2014 22:36

Well, the inevitable has happened, and the Pythagoras!whumping has really got going in earnest now *rubs hands gleefully*. I even have a shiny new icon for the occasion! Poor Pythagoras, this is price you pay for being one of my favourites, and at the point when I have a hurt/comfort bingo card, no less... *evil grin ( Read more... )

fanfic, gen, pythagoras, fandom: atlantis, hurt comfort bingo, jason

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stealingpennies August 15 2014, 17:24:09 UTC

Poor Pythagoras thinking of triangles. :( *g* You really do know how to do hurt/comfort for maximum physical and emotional whump. As usual with these three the dynamics of the triangle are interesting - that Pythagoras cares more about Hercules' reaction than Jason's, not because he trusts Hercules less but because of how Hercules will react. I feel sorry for Jason here. He's going to be find it a hard secret to keep. And of course Hercules will never forgiven any of them should he find out. Satisfied sigh.
Congrats also for finding a believable reason for Pythagoras to be selling himself. They really do seem hopeless at holding down a job for more than one ep at a time!


deinonychus_1 August 15 2014, 18:14:43 UTC
You really do know how to do hurt/comfort for maximum physical and emotional whump.

Awww, thank you, you say the nicest things to me *evil grin*.

Well, to be fair Pythagoras didn't want Jason to know either, he just found out by accident. But yes, he was definitely far more bothered about the possibility of Hercules knowing.

I did have to try quite hard to find a plausible reason for Pythagoras to be up to something like that! I blame Fifi. I had been intending to do something entirely different with this square, but then Fifi started squeeing about hooker!Pythagoras, and the idea somehow wormed its way into my brain.


stealingpennies August 15 2014, 22:16:17 UTC

*g* Fifi is a feeelthy enabler (said with huge admiration) but I've read the comments and know just how hard you fought back! I would certainly agree that Pythagoras needs his friends good opinion and would do a great deal not to lose that. And both his friends idealise Pythagoras to a certain extent albeit in slightly different ways. I get the idea that Jason would be fundamentally more concerned about the danger than the prostitution itself - though clearly that's also a concern - because modern viewpoint finds it easier to separate the act from the person.

(Hope, btw, that you managed to get your fic chapters finished to deadline. Fingers crossed for you.)


deinonychus_1 August 17 2014, 09:54:30 UTC
Fifi gets blamed for many, many thing around here. I'm sure *some* of them aren't actually her fault, but she gets blamed anyway ;-)

And both his friends idealise Pythagoras to a certain extent albeit in slightly different ways.

Ooh, now that's an interesting point. Care to elaborate?

Now you mention it, I think also a lot of fic writers tend to 'idealise' him as well. A lot of the fic latches onto him as this kind, gentle, relatively innocent guy, but I think in canon he is often a lot more hardened and pragmatic and sarcastic than a lot of fic writers portray him as (me included, unfortunately).

I did get the chapters finished in time (yey!), and am now hitting the research in order to attempt to write the rest of the novel. Meep! Although now that is finished, when I'm not researching, I can now get on with several outstanding birthday and gift fics, yours included!


stealingpennies August 17 2014, 22:39:19 UTC
Always a pleasure to chat about Pythagoras! Idealise? Um, well with Jason it's easy because he knows that Pythagoras is (going to be) this mythical maths genius who will be remembered forever. So that image is always there alongside Pythagoras the real man who likes honey cakes and is scared of spiders or whatever. Pythagoras is certainly aware that Jason admires his intellect. But that's something that isn't going to be affected by finding out that Pythagoras has been prostituting himself - although clearly he'd prefer not have been caught. It is, however, ultimately a safe disclosure. Hercules is a bit more complex in that he - I think - admires Pythagoras the person in a slightly myoptic way - as innocent and good. And Pythagoras needs to be thought a good person by Hercules in a way that confessing to hookerdom would puncture. I don't honestly think that, deep down, Hercules has many illusions about himself but he does about Pythagoras. Their relationship would be fundamentally altered which your story totally picked up on. (*g* ( ... )


deinonychus_1 August 18 2014, 18:18:31 UTC
Ah, good point about Jason knowing what Pythagoras is destined to become. I sometimes forget that Jason is from the future (but I think the writers of the show do as well sometimes, so never mind ( ... )


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