Drabble: Secret Passion

Jul 02, 2013 22:02

Written for the primeval100 challenge 321 - High Noon.

Title: Secret Passion
Author: Athene
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Lester/Becker
Rating: 15
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Challenge: 321 - High Noon
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine. ITV and Impossible Pictures own them.

Lester suspected he would regret revealing his love for old westerns to Becker. Becker had come home early and caught him watching High Noon when Lester thought he had the day to himself. The smirking had been unbearable.

He knew it was silly, but Lester rather liked the thought of the lawman standing alone against the forces of chaos. He was quite fond of the hats and thigh holsters as well, truth be told.

Later, when Becker appeared in the bedroom doorway with a cowboy hat tipped low and a promise in his eyes, Lester didn’t regret it at all.

james lester, becker, drabble, slash, becker/lester

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