Drabble: The Elusive Anomaly

Apr 23, 2013 23:11

Written for primeval100 challenge 311 - In The Sewers

Title: The Elusive Anomaly
Author: Athene
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Connor, Becker, Abby, Matt
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Challenge: 311 - In the Sewers
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine. ITV and Impossible Pictures own them.

“According to the detector it should be right here.”

“Well unless anomalies have suddenly become invisible, it isn’t.” Becker sounded unimpressed.

“It isn’t another aerial one,” Abby said, looking up into the sky.

“My money is on the detector being wrong,” Becker commented.

Connor huffed. “It isn’t. I’m sure of it. There is an anomaly here somewhere.”

“Well if it’s not up, it must be down,” Matt said speculatively.

They all looked at the pavement.

“But that means...” Connor trailed off. “Ewwww!”

Becker looked like he was in actual physical pain.

“You’re not serious!”

Matt nodded. “It’s in the sewers.”

matt anderson, becker, gen, abby maitland, connor temple, drabble

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